
Not that one. It was a fictionalized portrayal called All Good Things.

I highly recommend The Devil’s Candy, about the making of Bonfire. An endlessly fascinating look at a film production ballooning out of everyone’s control thanks to a multitude of unchecked egos (the film opens with what’s still the most expensive single shot in film history, in which the Concorde had to land at a

It’s the kind of thing where if he didn’t do this, it would absolutely be used against him in any trial that results. That was a big part of what got Robert Durst found guilty, that he didn’t take any action against a movie that explicitly said he committed the murders while that was still legally up in the air.

Is this because she’s a lesbian?

I can’t believe we haven’t yet gotten an SNL sketch about how the books feature multiple scenes of boys sneaking into a girls’ bathroom to take a shape-changing potion.

I continue to be profoundly amused by how everything positive about this movie feels the need to start with “Who are any of us to pass judgement on any piece of art?”

Well, that’s pretty much the setup of Wednesday, and that did well enough to get a second season (and a legit one, unlike this show).

It happened after the first season of ‘90s Show was released.

Kind of an odd tone here of “Making jokes about Trump is too easy, we shouldn’t do it anymore.”

She heard all those people saying “There’s no wrong way to be gay” and decided to put it to the test.

From everything I’ve heard, the show has never been very concerned about staying true to the “lore.”

The absolute best of these was when Kevin Smith was told he couldn’t name a movie A Couple of Dicks. So he named it Cop Out because that’s exactly what the new title was.

I agree in theory, but this is a really weird thing to say with Barbenheimer not even a year old.

Adorable how they’re trying to pretend like them all happily trying to protect a convicted rapist didn’t happen and has nothing to do with this.

Hopefully this one will have less of a message that deadnaming is perfectly fine and anyone who gets offended by it is just an uptight prick who deserves to be taken down a peg.

I’ve never wished more that Graham Chapman was still alive. He absolutely would have been able to explain to these other guys the difference between “mindless good taste” as Cleese described at his funeral and just common decency.

With a bit more reflection than might be possible in the moment, Moldaver isn’t nearly as much the good guy in this as the twist seems to want her to be, and I really wish it was more clear whether that’s intentional. For all her supposed devotion to Rose, she sure seemed perfectly fine with a revenge plan that

Hell, it’s the hugely emotional final line of Goodbye Mr. Chips.

Apparently a ton of people watched the first few episodes, but only 38% ended up finishing it (I was one of them, since I thought it was pretty good). That show’s renewal was basically because it was the most expensive TV show ever made and Amazon couldn’t afford the publicity of having that be for nothing.

At least they brought in someone who’s used to being negatively compared to someone else.