
So, all you people who have been saying it was just a few pictures in Late Night with the Devil and only complete idiots would think it’s anything to be concerned about have anything to say about this?

And meanwhile, Ridley Scott, Martin Scorsese, and Steven Spielberg are all determined to die on set.

Not sure what the point of a spinoff would be, since a big part of the appeal early on was that the mystery of what was going on in the Soviet Union meant the show didn’t need to get bogged down in what the exact point of diversion from real history was, and could just hit the ground running with a Cosmonaut landing

J. Michael Straczynski has written quite a bit about his time in a cult, and one thing he keeps coming back to is that they never start with the really crazy-sounding stuff. Instead they give you something just a bit out of your comfort zone at most, and then once you’ve accepted that, it becomes easier to accept

She only says that in the next episode, which the review was written before seeing.

It was great to see so many people talking about it after Norman Jewison’s passing, even with all the other stuff in his legendary career drawing their own attention. It also got a boost a while back from the terrible remake that I’m sure got a lot of people thinking “Maybe I should see this movie if its fans are so

Let’s be honest, most of them hate it because the main character is a woman.

Also, it’s been three years since the show started. Exactly how long are we supposed to not talk about potentially spoilery things on the off-chance someone reading is interested in the show but for some reason hasn’t started yet?

We also saw one of these robots in the show’s opening party scene, an indication that despite all other appearances the “Great War” is still a while in the future and we just happened to have reverted to a ‘50s-esque society.

Who but a genius like Alex Garland could possibly have the balls to make a movie with the message “Violence is bad?”

All for a movie with the daring message that The Man doesn’t want you to hear, “War is bad, huh?”.

It’s hilarious watching certain people try to argue that this show doesn’t count as a Marvel product, because they’ve attached their identity so strongly to the brand being dead.

I feel the most for Ron Goldman’s parents. Because as pointed out so well in American Crime Story, NO ONE cared about him.

He died doing what he loved most, since your cancer dies along with you.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 definitely would too. Their philosophy was always “It doesn’t matter if everyone gets the joke. The right people will.”

You’d think a sizable amount of people would have at least seen Little Miss Sunshine.

It could actually make a pretty good movie to go the Tetris route and make it about the creation of Monopoly, especially after how much American Fiction caught on. This poor woman tries to do some viral messaging by creating a deliberately terrible, broken game to show the flaws of the capitalist system, but instead

Wait until they find out the original Juliet actor was a man.

I’ll just remind everyone, because a lot of people certainly seem like they’re actively trying to ignore it, that Todd Phillips was on the side of the executives during the strikes and said everyone deserved to go broke from it.

It’s really not a good sign that the positive reviews all start with some variation of “Webster’s defines ‘good’ as...”