
There’s two particular characters played by similar-looking actors who I could never keep straight, which made the mystery a lot more confusing than I think it was supposed to be. I still absolutely loved the show.

Is this the part where the “only real Avatar fans” get to accuse any critics who give the show a positive review of being bribed? Because I won’t lie, that always seemed kind of fun.

Alex and Maggie in Supergirl has to be up there. The show was forced into a horrible but probably inevitable position when the attention from its groundbreaking queer romance resulted in one the the actresses getting a lot of offers that she had to leave the show to explore (and inexplicably the first one she took was

Looking forward to all the “I’m not racist but” takes on this.

Good luck finding enough actors who are perfectly fine working with a guy who tried to sabotage their strike.

All of social media.

And yet, he’s the one who wasn’t let into Charles’ coronation while Andrew was.

another nail in the coffin of the great era of comic book blockbusters of the 21st century”

Give me one good reason why she couldn’t be played by Stan Lee’s wife again!

It’s going to take a lot for Apple to do something worse than hoping Robert De Niro just didn’t notice they took out an important thing he wanted to say, and this doesn’t get there.

So, what did Harry do that was so bad again?

Also Paolo, literally singled out by a romance novelist as “a complication who you kill off before the third act.” The TV Tropes page “Romantic False Lead” was even named after him until they made everything a more generic name.

A lot of people are complaining about how “flat” the effects look, and it’s important to remember they probably aren’t finished. Just look at the lightsaber effects in the original Star Wars teaser compared to the finished product.

And it’s the Secret Wars issue featuring the Beyonder, who’s also recently popped up in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (by the way, if anyone isn’t watching that, get on it).

I’m just hoping they managed to slip in a joke about Jonathan Majors. Hey, the first movie managed to dub a line referencing Jared Fogle after that whole thing happened just a few months before its release.

This is the woman who responded to racial insensitivity accusations in one of her shows by basically saying, as another performatively controversial comedian once put it, “I can’t understand you, go back to your country, white power.”

Now playing

I love that he just drops this in and absolutely refuses to elaborate further, like he’s talking about Bear Down for Midterms.

Not that I think this movie will be anything other than horrible, but...Guardians of the Galaxy. Any time someone asks why a studio thinks a comic character no one cares about might catch on, that’s the answer.

Plus her completely monotone delivery of the whole thing.