
The really weird thing about the Sea of Monsters movie is that it brings in Kronos for the ending where he wasn’t there in the book, and then has Percy cleanly defeat him. So you have to wonder how they were going to try to sell that he was any kind of serious threat if the other books had been adapted. It actually

Also, the reason both Time Traveler’s Wife adaptations flopped is in large part because the book format just barely gets away with the inherent creepiness of a naked adult man telling a little girl she’ll be his wife in the future, and when you actually have to see it there’s no way past that.

Basically by only using the first half and tacking on a new ending.

LA Confidential showed it can actually work, but that was a true miracle of a movie we’re probably never going to see again.

Because His Dark Materials proved it can be successful? I seriously think it’s that simple. And while we’re on the subject, one that I’m really hoping for is Bonfire of the Vanities.

Everything about the way the scene is shot and scored indicates it.

Really weird how bad the show apparently expects us to feel for Hank, after all we’ve seen of him so far is being an abusive father and probable racist.

It sure is.

The top moment came when it was seamlessly tied into the over the top pimping of their Burger King product placement, with Weathers mentioning the free drink refills.

And boy, could this show use a distraction now after it came out that the toxic haters of the second game sent a ton of death threats to not only Laura Bailey but her newborn baby. I should note that this fits perfectly with what I already thought of them.

The worst part is all the idiots who are about to act like the Mandalorian crew should have known he was going to die and given him a better ending, just like they did for Chadwick Boseman, Ray Stevenson, and Kevin Conroy.

Much like with Michael Jackson, it’s been a blast watching all these absolute hypocrites racing to declare Amy Winehouse one of the greatest musical artists of all time who was unfairly snatched from us, as if they weren’t right there in the mud mocking her before she died.

You’ve got to admire the balls of a marketing department who makes a single trailer and then calls it a day.

Thanks for not saying it’s all Gillian Flynn and/or David Fincher’s fault, which I’ve seen way too many people doing.

That gets a bit tricky since the episodes are all an hour long, which means that even with just eight they have more total minutes than the cartoon’s twenty half-hour episodes minus commercials.

Literally the only one I care about is Jim Henson. Assuming he’s in the movie (and given all the drama around the Land of Gorch sketches, I have to imagine he will be), this will be the first time he’s portrayed in fiction, and that’s a heavy load.

I’m not freaking out about this as much as most. For one thing, all the claims that this is Sokka’s arc for the entire show, or even just the first season, are complete bullshit. He literally gets it beaten out of him in the fourth episode out of twenty (and we know the Kiyoshi Warriors are still in the show since

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Barerra has an awesome-looking new movie coming out, so we’ll soon see who’s really being serious about continuing to support her.