
I’ve read all the Witcher books, and I’ll admit the name doesn’t ring a bell at all. A major issue as they go on is that all the characters devolve into an amorphous mass of either allies or villains and it’s just about impossible to keep any of them straight beyond that. The show’s a big improvement.

Why are people so terrified to admit they like action movies these days? Even articles like this which acknowledge there’s a lot of fun to be had feel the need to add a disclaimer of “Don’t worry, we know the movie sucks and anyone who actually likes it is an idiot.”

A development that no one saw coming except everyone.

That second one is actually the start of the episode, and the rest is all about him learning to not be transphobic, which the kind of people who post it always seem to leave out.

Anyone who can’t get enjoyment out of douchey tech bros getting their asses kicked while pathetically offering NFT bribes is not someone I have anything to discuss with.

I can only assume this was written before SAG’s announcement that they were fucking everyone over and letting AI take their jobs anyway.

It actually is, as a live show.

Wait, it’s a musical?

One lovely surprise is the thorough denial of the idea that Maya owes her grandmother a single fucking thing, no matter how bad she currently feels about disowning her. That’s especially nice to see after The Color Purple and its moral that abuse victims should fully forgive their abusers and become friends with them.

It’s very promising that all the negative reviews are along the lines of “Too much Echo, not enough Daredevil or Kingpin.” Oh really, the title character is the focus of the show, and somehow that offends you?

It’s the same bullshit as Captain Carter supposedly replacing Sam Wilson’s Captain America, transparent co-opting of feminist talking points which are rendered meaningless by the nonsense place they start from.

I look forward to all the performative feminist ranting that the Rey movie has supposedly been canned in favor of this one.

That movie’s still coming at the end of this.

Really awesome movie for most of its running time, before taking a hard turn into literally preaching to us that abuse victims will go to Hell if they don’t forgive their abusers. Maybe that’s in the original book, I haven’t read it, but you’d think anyone doing an adaptation these days would be smart enough to take

I have to imagine part of this is also people accusing her of “queerbaiting,” just like they did with Kit Connor. As Logan Roy would say, they’re not serious people.

Godfather Part 2 enters a bit of a grey area since the entire prequel story with De Niro is taken directly from the original book, so does that count as enough of the movie to make adapted more fitting?

The one I love to bring up is LA Confidential. The original book is a true monster, 500 pages packed with a staggering amount of characters and subplots that would have no hope of making sense as a two hour movie. The film’s writers created the script by writing out every single plot point on index cards, and whenever

Does he think adapted screenplays are inherently less respectable than original ones or something? Because if so, I’ve got some bad news about several Scorsese movies.

Not familiar with Bai Ling, huh?

In Chernobyl he’s a naive young kid forced into euthanizing the irradiated pets.