
Long Long Time was another big one recently, though a bit more muted since it’s not exactly a song that gets you pumped up.

This is objectively hilarious. I just regret that she’s going to be horribly harassed for years now.

The whole scene is brilliant. Just a giant open “Fuck you” to the people who want these movies to be nothing but a franchise blowjob full of cameos. And it really says something about how respected both Stewart and Xavier are that even in a sequence all about how the heroes of this universe are a bunch of

She has a very un-showy role in The Court Jester as the straight man to both Danny Kaye and Angela Lansbury, but her being the only one of the heroes who’s taking everything seriously is a quite important role in its own right, and she does a lot to sell that the situation is real, and thus make the others funnier.

Apparently there was a significant chunk of Season 4 that wasn’t yet filmed when the COVID shutdown hit, and they had to cobble together an ending out of the disparate pieces they had available. It honestly sounds like a miracle the last episode is as coherent as it is.

There was even a TV movie when the case first became public that completely neutered it by having Fualaau played by a 19 year old.

Name the comic that Joker was adapted from. And yet, its nomination was for adapted screenplay. See how easy and even obvious that is?

Meanwhile, the BBC is still perfectly fine with its reporters being openly trans and championing JK Rowling. So they can shut the fuck up pretending they’re on the right side here.

It did happen; it was just the same as the first trip and everything in between was just her imagination.

Usually I instantly roll my eyes at slow, dramatic versions of pop songs, but the Toxic scene is absolutely how to do it right. Everything we now know about Britney Spears is clearly a deliberate part of the effect, and one that’s all the more fulfilling for having to work a bit to realize it.

The really dumb part is the original Steamboat Willie already has Mickey committing animal abuse, plus sexual harassment bordering on assault. So exactly how much more edgy do these people think they’re being?

It feels like they’re going for the same appeal as something like the Parker series, where no matter how objectively bad a person someone is, they’re still a lot of fun to watch if they’re really, really good at what they do. Except in this case, he’s apparently terrible at being a thief and completely relying on the

Lin-Manuel himself is a big fan, and wrote the line where King George mentions meeting Adams with the assumption that people would know what he was talking about from the miniseries.

I thought he was completely miscast in Batman Begins when it was first announced, but then I saw the movie and he was perfect.

The whole point of the scene is that the heroes of this particular universe are all condescending pricks, which leads to them all getting easily killed. It’s not saying anything about the main versions of any of them.

Careful, you’re going off script. You’re supposed to say everything in the MCU is way too connected and impossible to follow on its own.

John Krasinski as Mr. Fantastic doesn’t count. The entire scene is an open, glorious “Fuck you” to people who want these movies to be nothing but franchise hand jobs, and it’s now fully confirmed he’s not playing the main version.

As far as I know he didn’t try to keep Danny Masterson from rotting in jail, which is more than I can say for some other people.

The best part is always when they say “The network will never put that one on the air.” Except you just heard the joke, so clearly they did.

I really liked White House Plumbers. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just about impossible to truly screw up a story about unlikable jerks unstoppably marching toward their well-deserved comeuppance, the same reason I name Saw X the best of the series and Blackberry the best of the new “product biopic” trend.