
It’s been especially fun watching people try not to sound like they just hate female superheroes as they insist following up on the first season’s most popular character means she’s being “shoved down our throats.”

I never thought I’d say this, but if Noah Hawley wanted to take a crack at The Dark Crystal, I’d be totally on board.

Now playing

Turner Classic Movies always makes these into true pieces of art, and they really outdid themselves this year.

So...are Ruby’s moms actually just going to freeze to death? They kept setting that up and then the ceiling was never fixed.

He wanted Broadchurch S2 to be a deliberately unsatisfying story where the killer gets acquitted at trial. Except the first season had set up such clearly unbeatable evidence against him that the only way to do it was to turn every single person into an idiot.

One nice thing about Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is that it ditches the whole “adults don’t believe in Santa” thing, and he’s simply a known public figure who’s interviewed on the news in the opening scene. I’m surprised more movies don’t take that approach.

Please tell me at least one person on set tried to tell Mann that “The wrong son died” is famously a running gag in a spoof of schmaltzy biopics.

The trailers for this movie are just baffling in their refusal to give any indication of WHY these two are pretending to be a couple. It’s not like it could be any kind of big twist, right?

Warner Brothers only letting the reviews out now shows that they had absolutely no faith in the movie despite it being a sequel to the DCEU’s biggest success. I wasn’t going to see it anyway, but that’s not going to help.

Mr. Wrench’s theme song played during the tracker reveal.

Noah Hawley writing this season (and to be clear, I think this is a very good thing):

And that Wizard of Oz ending was actually forced on them by the execs, who were bizarrely worried that the audience wouldn’t accept Oz being a real place like it was in the books. Which were so incredibly successful that there were at least seven other adaptations in the 39 years before that film.

That’s one movie adaptation that restores the gay relationship the first movie didn’t have the guts to keep. Bring on Fried Green Tomatoes!

Remember when ABC execs freaked out at the Lost episode which hinted that the whole thing was just Hurley hallucinating in a nuthouse? Even knowing how bad the actual ending was, I still get a huge laugh that apparently these guys had so little faith in Cuse and Lindeloff’s storytelling abilities that they’d A. intend

Boy, they had that announcement ready to go in a holster, huh?

And now we wait to see if anyone’s willing to go full Ashton Kutcher for him.

This kind of skips over how Riordan never even tried to have any control over the movies. He just accepted the licensing money and said they could do whatever they wanted. Which as I writer myself, I do get, but then don’t pretend the problem was no one listened to you.