
I’m hoping for Waller-Bridge to put on the hat at the end and start calling herself the new Indiana, just to see people freak out.

There’s probably never going to be a politically awkward time to do a story about how a bunch of people in government are literal illegal aliens, and some of them are doing a false flag operation to start a war, but boy, the Marvel people really must have been horrified over what the last couple years would make this

Plus, she absolutely sucks in the comics.

Ditto Hollywoodland.

Where’s the Costa Concordia movie? So much juicy stuff there.

Okay, stop using the word fridging, because I don’t think you’re 100% sure what it means. It’s not just a blanket term for literally every time a female character dies. Black Widow made a willing sacrifice for the whole universe, fighting her longtime partner all the way over who would get to make it, which is

You know what could really help DC right now? A Batgirl movie. Why hasn’t anyone made one of those?

He was the original squad leader in 21 Jump Street, until he left the show after just a few episodes and was killed offscreen, replaced by X from The X-Files.

This may be for the best with Pink Ladies. One of the major cast members abruptly left the show before the last three episodes were filmed, forcing significant rewrites including a scene with his face awkwardly CGI’d onto someone else. This probably would have just gotten worse with Season 2.

Also Scream 3 as a failed actress who didn’t get cast as Leia because she wouldn’t sleep with Lucas. Oh, and the movie was produced by the Weinsteins, it’s a whole uncomfortable Mobius strip.

Gene Wilder.

The odd thing is that it was Maya herself who asked if the character could be a lesbian after she was originally going to be Steve’s new love interest.

Cary Grant even demanded Charade be that way, due to his embarrassment at still being cast as romantic leads at his age.

Mae West reportedly actually preferred working under the Hays Code to her stage work, saying it was funnier to make cheeky “wink nudge” references rather than just talk about sex outright, making the audience feel like they were getting away with something by understanding the references.

The best part is that the DC fanboys can’t say jack shit about this, because they just got done insisting the crappy effects in The Flash were a “deliberate creative choice.”

You know what could work great for them? A movie about a newt. Why haven’t they tried that?

That’s a bit complicated by how that role was originally going to be Lando, until people realized how dumb it would be to bring him back just to have him completely fail to help the heroes (presumably the character’s deliberate betrayal wasn’t part of the script back then, because WOOF).

This show has one very difficult task ahead of it, in NOT feeling like it’s giving the message “Immigrant refugees are evil and will try to steal your country, no matter how sympathetic they might seem at first.” And so far it seems the major counter to that is having Talos as a token “one of the good ones,” which

the “Blip” (a term that still sucks—call it The Snap).”