
Not about white men, mostly.

So...did I miss some big thing where everyone was just assuming she’d be a big part of the show, with no explanation of how she’s alive again? Because that’s what the article seems to be assuming we were all thinking, and I have no idea where that’s coming from.

Seeing as a bunch of people promoting the movie have felt the need to say “No, I swear, it’s supposed to look like that!” my expectations are not high.

A lot of people outside Britain will probably know her best for the notorious pirate episode of The Muppet Show, which was bizarre even by the show’s own standards until Kermit is screaming “I’M LOSING MY MIND!”

I believe this about as much as the CGI being that bad in The Flash is a deliberate stylistic choice.

It always felt weird that the EXACT SAME kind of fall was survived by Luke Evans, but not fucking Wonder Woman.

This review isn’t exactly selling me on the movie, basically saying it’s just scene after scene of the first rule of hack writing: “Just have the characters acknowledge that the stupid and annoying thing they’re doing is stupid and annoying.”

So basically, on top of all the other stuff going against it, the movie also has the bad luck of a moral directly opposite to the current enormously popular comic book movie that’s also still in theaters: “You can’t fight fate, and the toxic fanboys are right that superheroes can only ever be one particular way.”

Now playing

His role as the bully soldier in 1941 is mostly pretty thankless, but he gets to do some great slapstick in this scene.

For full context, Rios is a major feminist icon in Mexico after surviving an acid attack from a psychotic ex a few years ago. This is going to be a nearly impossible accusation to try to refute.

So many people are responding to this with “Marvel needs to vet its actors more,” like they’re going to put a sexual assault no one knows about on their resume.

It seems the newest strategy for shilling this movie is to claim all the crappy rushed CGI is a “deliberate creative choice,” with some even actually saying they know how dumb and desperate that sounds.

I’ll take it over Rumble in the Bronx, which asks us to believe a kid is playing a Game Gear that clearly doesn’t have a cartridge or batteries.

So what’s the public gist on his Birdcage character these days? I feel like that was totally overshadowed by the Apu thing.

No Who Framed Roger Rabbit? The movie both Siskel and Ebert opened their review of with “It’ll have you constantly saying ‘How did they do that’”.

Also, we got a good look at the various vehicles that combine into him, and not a single one has wrecking balls. So they actually had to add that to the design for the sake of a lame joke. And it REALLY doesn’t help that Devastator’s design is so monstrously complicated that it literally melted the first computer that

Also, in real life he had three kids, which gets kind of moving as the script had his single son named after the oldest, but he requested it to be changed to the youngest, who’d recently died of cancer.

Oh no, some people genuinely like Quantummania, they must be mentally ill. You’re right, this is fun.

Nice article, now watch as I destroy it with a single word: Bumblebee.

I still say that as long as Affleck was still there, they should have had him make a cameo as George Reeves’ Superman as a reference to his role in Hollywoodland.