
The real problem with Killing Eve was that every single season had a totally different creative team, who all seemed to actively hate the others. It’s not a coincidence that Series 2, 3, and 4 all start with awkward explanations of why certain characters aren’t around anymore after their actors didn’t want to jump to

Funny, because accusing anyone who doesn’t like it of thinking they were dead the whole time, as if that’s the only way anyone can possibly have a problem with it, is just as big a cliche.

Did I miss when we as a society decided that Lin-Manuel Miranda sucked? Because it seems like a lot of the commentary around this movie is just making that base assumption, and I have no idea where it’s coming from.

The Buffy finale sucked. Everyone said so at the time, and it’s never stopped being true, so I have no idea why anyone would want to try to deny that AFTER everything that’s gone down with Whedon. That entire season is some of the laziest writing I’ve ever seen in anything, and the finale is the perfect capper to

I remember instantly realizing during that final scene that I was witnessing a fusion of music to visuals that would now forever be linked together, despite the song having already been around for decades. For so long I never had that experience again, only to suddenly get it twice in the last year with Running Up

It’s such a shame that no one will probably ever watch the show again, between its baggage of asking you to root on at least some level for corrupt cops, absolutely straight-faced anti-vaccine propaganda, and one of the major cast members being an actual murderer.

So we all agree that he had his biggest hit playing Aldo Raines when that mission was declassified in the ‘70s, right?

The really interesting thing about Boxing Helena is that it’s directed by the daughter of David Lynch, ie the inspiration for the mutant baby in Eraserhead. So the movie is basically her telling her own side of that story.

Apparently what really sent Feige running to Iger was Perlmutter trying to force him to not have Robert Downey Jr. in Civil War, despite the whole concept of the movie being a fight between Cap and Tony.

Perlmutter is also the reason it took so long to get movies about Black Panther and Captain Marvel, fired Terrence Howard the second he started making waves because “no one can tell black people apart,” and had the toys replace all the female heroes’ big moments with male ones (most notably giving Black Widow’s

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The crappy remake of Gone in 60 Seconds was at least good for reminding people about a kickass car movie that was verging on being completely forgotten.

Like Churchill put it, democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.

My mother actually got me to start the show two seasons in, and my response was “It’s interesting to see a show where we’re not supposed to like anyone. At least, dear god, I hope we aren’t.”

The Dressmaker is spectacular, basically a female version of High Plains Drifter where Winslet gets revenge on her entire hometown.

Can you imagine how much shit Ron Howard has been getting every single day of the past year plus for making a movie about what a great gy JD Vance is?

Funny thing about that, Anthony Hopkins was recently diagnosed to be on the spectrum, which he now figures has been a big part of what let him inhabit his roles so well.

I watched the original film when Disney+ came around, and was surprised to see the mother and daughter actually don’t interact with each other at all after the swap happens. It’s one of those cases of a movie having a good idea but not doing the best with it, so the remake very much has its own reason to exist and

Lohan’s mother yelling after her “Make good choices” has aged both great and terribly.

Freddie Highmore is also a spokesman for the hate group Autism Speaks, which the meme has caused to become much better known. So I salute it for that.