
I’ve got to throw in a mention of the K-Drama The Glory, which is now available on Netflix. Basically a modern update on Count of Monte Cristo where a woman becomes the teacher to the children of the people who viciously bullied and beat her up in school as the culmination of a years-long revenge scheme. Absolutely

We already saw the line from the trailer that implied Logan’s candidate won the election, which means that’s fully up in the air again. I’m fully guessing that Tom screws it up somehow.

So basically, Disney is telling us “Don’t worry, this one person was responsible for every single problem you’ve had with us lately, and now she’s gone.” Well, I sure can’t think of any reason to question that.

A ton of people accused the woman Ezra was filmed choking of being an actress doing a bit.

Let’s see how many people he gets defending him compared to Ezra Miller on very similar charges.

She’s going to be Jodi Foster in Taxi Driver. Everyone figured that out the second the sequel was announced.

Has a non-evil person ever described themselves as being “thwarted”?

I look forward to the whining about how anyone who doesn’t like it is a government stooge.

From all that I’ve heard, Penn Badgeley has been fantastic at coming down hard on the fans who refuse to see that Joe is the villain of the story, and with him having enough sway to get his sex scenes removed, I’m hopeful that will also extend here.

With every season’s release, I just check spoiler articles to see if Joe loses at the end. And so far the answer has been “no” every time, so I didn’t bother watching because what’s the point? So they have one last chance for it.

We still have no idea what this organization actually does when they’re not trying to kill each other. I’ve been assuming crypto.

These reviews have been a real education in how there exists at least one person in the world to whom human interaction outside family and work is a completely foreign concept, and it’s been a fascinating dive inside that alien mind.

Plus, Ian McShane is 80 in this movie. He could still easily pass for half that.

The alternate history with black aristocrats is the only thing I found remotely interesting about the show, so if this is leaning into that and doing more exploring into just where the divergence point was, I’m definitely into it.

I’m surprised David Yost didn’t just tell them all to fuck off after the horrific homophobic bullying he suffered throughout his entire time on the show.

And it was 100% intended at the time that Obi Wan was telling the truth that a guy named Darth Vader killed Luke’s father. The franchise has never been big on letting old continuity stand in the way of the stories they want.

And Ahmed’s character Kelleran actually isn’t newly created for the show. He was the host of a Legends of the Hidden Temple-esque game show called Jedi Temple Challenge that had a brief run a couple years ago on the franchise’s Youtube channel. He also had a pair of droid sidekicks there, who I’m now kind of worried

It certainly was quite a bold choice to devote one of the post-credits scenes to directly saying to the audience “You didn’t think we were actually going to follow up on that cool story we teased at the end of the first movie, did you? Idiots.”

I imagine that reporter who got fired for being in one of his movies would be the one who has something bad to say.

The one that really holds up for me is The Adventures of the Cow. Just the sheer absurdism for its own sake.