
So what kind of ethnicity was Rob Schneider dressed as?

That’s Oz.

We’re never going to beat the time during Marathon Man when Dustin Hoffman excitedly told his idol Laurence Olivier about all the work he put into method acting, to which Olivier responded “Why don’t you just act?”

Between the crappy reviews and Levi outing himself as a shithead, I don’t have high hopes for the box office.

One big part of it is that since the show isn’t solely from Alina’s point of view, we get a much better idea of why he’s doing whatever he’s doing. Plus, he’s completely accepting of Alina’s powers right off the bat, rather than being a bigoted jerk about them.

The most impressive thing about Season 1 was that they actually realized how much Mal sucks in the books, and basically replaced him with a completely different character who happens to have the same name. That’s always a huge risk with adaptations like this, but this time they seem to have gotten away with it,

Much to my own surprise, I actually believe that this wasn’t about the show featuring gay characters (unlike The Owl House, where I 100% believe the treatment of Season 3 is because of that). Disney finally being willing to allow such a relationship to be front and center and completely unambiguous was a huge step

The whole thing really makes me wonder if he actually views every single actor who’s done a romantic scene with someone besides their spouse as a dirty cheater. And if so, how can he stand to be around anyone in the industry?

One of the weirder parts of Season 2 was all the hints about Dr. Sharon’s alcoholism that went absolutely nowhere. Hoping that was setting up something for this season now that the actress is still here.

As harsh as it sounds, Williams’ death was actually one of the best things those movies had going for them, because if he was still around you know they would have had a ton of pressure to bring him back, and once you do that it’s suddenly a Robin Williams movie and nothing more. Instead, they were able to grow into

Which hurt quite a bit more than it sounds, as his wife (who’d been a Bond girl herself in For Your Eyes Only) had always thought he’d be great for the role, and this meant she didn’t live to see it.

Boy, she went Harrison Ford on this show in record time, didn’t she?

The dude must be a fantastic actor to hide how he’s such a whining infant all these years.

I’m always for a boost for animation as an artform, but not such a fan of the accompanying “Movies for kids can’t be real art” argument.

Remember when they floated the idea of adding a “Best Popular Film” award, and then couldn’t give any kind of explanation of what exactly would qualify a movie for that award rather than Best Picture, because it was an obvious attempt to just make sure Black Panther got something? Yeah, that didn’t go over very well.

Sometimes even lead actor. John Wayne himself said he would have put on an eyepatch years ago if he’d known that’s all it took.

Also Sacheem Littlefeather, which felt especially like a deliberate “Screw her.”

Kimmel definitely seemed less afraid than before to go for some truly hard-hitting material. “James Cameron isn’t nominated. What do they think he is, a woman?”

NPR has immediately made things cringey by calling Yeoh the first Best Actress winner who “identifies as Asian.” It’s about 50/50 they’re deliberately trying to trigger both sides because they’re desperate for attention.

I’m going to enjoy telling people the Harry Potter farting corpse guys have two Oscars, and then refusing to explain further.