
And meanwhile, we now have the Velma show trying to make a big deal about how it’s finally letting Velma be gay...except it got beat to the punch by the main franchise in the most low-key, normalized way imaginable.

A moose once ate my sister.

Poker Face actually does seem to be sliding more and more into copaganda as it goes on. The first episode has all the cops in Las Vegas on the casino’s payroll, so they can’t be any help, but in the following three episodes they’re consistently portrayed as a reliable cavalry that can be brought in once Charlie’s

This certainly helps explain why all the genre satire in The Boys feels a decade or two out of date, especially regarding Aquaman.

I’m sure Cameron will be great at navigating the political minefield of “Actually, there were bad Native Americans too.”

Watching The Sixth Sense now, it’s obvious that he’s ALWAYS had this problem, and it’s just that it’s hard to notice in this movie because the main characters are a little kid and a guy who’s professionally trained to talk to him on his level.

Happy Death Day. Even did well enough to launch its own franchise (the director has confirmed that Freaky is set in the same shared universe, and he plans to expand it some more).

Just look at how going by most social media, you’d never know that Yellowstone has become a franchise to rival the MCU in pure amount of eyes watching. There’s a reason Taylor Sheridan has gotten to make shows so separate from each other that they may as well just be their own thing, but they’re still connected back

She also says she has no problem with JK Rowling thinking trans people should be murdered.

So did he never see Dark Shadows, or...?

I imagine it’s like what New Yorkers go through in every movie set there except The Warriors. “Wait, if they want to get to this place, why are they going down that street? And now they’re all the way across town!”

It seems like their main claim to fame right now is that they managed to finagle Yellowstone away from Paramount+, which means anyone watching the far superior spinoff shows over there will have to sign up if they’re curious about what the Dutton family gets up to in the present day. The Paramount execs are reportedly

Yeah, and that being the payoff rather than seeing an asshole get his comeuppance (and even playing off another rant as a joke like there aren’t real, dangerous people who actually believe this stuff and should be taken seriously) is just bizarre for Johnson to do.

I can’t help noticing that Safran, or as everyone’s probably now thinking of him, “the guy in charge of DC who’s not James Gunn,” is the one who’s more often than not being sent out to fall on his sword with this stuff.

Anyone else remember that Netflix exec who actually told one of the Masterson accusers to her face that the company didn’t believe her, which quickly got his ass canned?

He literally looks like a John Hughes character whose running gag is he thinks his moustache makes him look cool.

You don’t actually see him onscreen, but he was pretty great as the villain in Coco.

Buffy saying “I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school” would have been a weird feeling.

The bit with the Mortal Kombat game was also a fun nod to the Left Behind DLC, where Ellie finds a broken fighting game, and Riley guides her through an imaginary playthrough of it.

It took me a while to remember that in 2003, people ranting about the “New World Order” tended to be hardcore liberal 9/11 truthers rather than Qanon freaks.