
You mean bay-bees?

I literally had no idea which of his sons died at the end and had to look it up afterwards. And I still have absolutely no ability to retain any character names from this franchise, so I just think of him as “the dumb one.”

Isn’t his next movie a Bullitt remake?

She had her followers bully him off of Twitter.

So...she ends up beating the guy, right? That’s the only way I could ever imagine watching this.

This comes after Rowling literally had Graham Norton silenced for daring to speak against her position.

I can’t wait for what he has to say about Star Trek Voyager.

King has fully admitted he was in the worst of his cocaine addiction while writing that scene, and he very much regrets it.

I’m hoping the fandom will get two different nicknames depending on whether you’ve played the game, like Game of Thrones. I was a Bookwalker there, and I look forward to being with the newbies here.

One of my favorite things in the franchise is Mancini’s obsession with Bound, where you kind of wonder if he knows Tilly’s been in anything else.

See also, Velma becoming the rare show to be despised by all sides of the online political discourse, and also being HBO Max’s biggest opening ratings hit ever.

So, can the James Cameron fans please now stop acting like he’s some pitiful underdog they have to constantly defend? They’re almost as bad as the Tom Brady fans.

It was pretty neat that they actually got Billy Boyd back, though.

It really is incredible how Mancini has stuck with this franchise all these decades, and is determined to keep the goofiest parts canon even as it’s pivoted back toward straight horror. And somehow he pulled it off perfectly.

“Imagine how much better Halo would have done if the producers hadn’t antagonized fans with their outspoken disregard for the game’s lore.”

Just imagine being so determined to be a piece of shit on Twitter that you willingly torch your entire career just as it’s hitting big. I also can’t imagine the hell Pedro Pascal was going through, spending years being unable to defend his trans sister whenever Carano went on a rant because she wasn’t ready to come

The shippers have settled on using their last names, with “Tanthamore.”

I was really hoping by this point we’d be past stories going “Surprise, this person’s actually UGLY, so of course they’re evil!”

The thing with the bunny is, it’s very obviously thrown in to destroy any potential grey morality and make Alex the obvious, simplistic villain so we don’t have to think too hard about Dan’s own culpability in cheating on his wife and then dumping the other woman without a second thought. I even have a suspicion it

My favorite of these is that Jeffrey Dean Morgan nearly quit acting after his guest spot on Star Trek Enterprise was such a miserable experience.