
The show is totally going to say the Queen killed Diana, isn’t it?

File this one under “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?

It’s really underappreciated that the Nazis themselves were mostly just giant dorks pretending they were early 20th century pulp fiction heroes, which was a big part of why the rest of the world didn’t take them seriously until it took a whole world war to sort them out.

If you want a real laugh, look up the actual Sunday Times front page article from the provided date. It’s completely supportive of Elizabeth, as blandly as possible.

Ford is more than 20 years older than Connery was in Last Crusade. It’ll be kind of fun if he tries to tease he’s not yet done.

The early reviews are all saying the season is a lot more sympathetic to the family than you’d expect from the stink they’re making.

“We haven’t done a Superman film in 13 years.” I mean, he’s not wrong. BOOM!

I mean, it doesn’t help that they did a SHIELD-style “How can we make the acronym sound like the thing it does” thing.

This is a major violation of the WARN Act, which you may recall as the thing that started the ball rolling on the complete destruction of Telltale Games. And a lawsuit has already been filed. I’m staying on Twitter to look it in the eye as it dies.

Maybe the greatest “Eureka” moment ever was when Dr. Seuss was on a steamship, and the rhythm of the engines inspired his signature rhyme schemes. This is 100% true, from Brian Jay Jones’ biography.

The series received mixed review, trending positive, from critics, who dinged it for a bit too much faithfulness to Gaiman’s original comics,”

I’m really digging how this show is going full force into “Anyone who claims they’re ‘not political’ is probably just a fascist.” With bonus heteronormative crusading.

Literally everything besides this show is still Star Wars in fun mode. There’s room for different approaches.

What stands out to me is that Rowling presumably also met at least some of the queer people he’s talking about, and she’s still going this hard about it.

He does have what’s apparently a sizable role on Doctor Who coming up.

Luckily, she’s on Nebula now.

But awesomely enough, at the same time Camp Cretaceous gave us an adorable canon lesbian couple built off multiple seasons of growing attraction. The show’s crew even said they didn’t intend at all for these two characters to become a couple at the start of the show, but upon seeing how much the fans latched onto the