
I can only assume this is a big joke on her part that went over someone’s head, seeing as The Watcher is based on real events, and the “first season” ends with a standard Where Are They Now epilogue that makes clear this is the whole thing.

If Black Adam was a Marvel movie, everyone would be calling it a “woke failure” over these numbers.

I can’t wait for Paul Bettany to start begging people to believe anything he has to say about this show.

Pillars of the Earth is a weird outlier in his career.

Pillars of the Earth is a weird outlier in his career.

Also, they never had the rights to use Clarice Starling (which is why we got that crappy Clarice show).

Especially since they literally have the entire story already at their disposal, so you’d think it wouldn’t be too hard to just carve it out into the four seasons they want.

More time for people to find the Game of Thrones scene that completely spoils the ending.

It’s just pining for the fjords.

Just look at movies like Foreign Correspondent and Casablanca that unhesitatingly portray the Nazis as evil, even years before anyone knew about the Holocaust.

Plus, Saw’s in this leadership position in the first place because his much more capable sister died almost as soon as their group started truly being effective thanks to Anakin and Ahsoka’s lessons. Every criticism probably feels like throwing that insecurity in his face.

I’m pretty sure Cassian didn’t say a word for the whole first half of the episode, but it’s still all on Luna’s face.

The most exciting part for me was seeing that Admiral Yularan wasn’t just in for a cameo last week and is going to be an ongoing presence. Maybe we’ll even go into what made him into such a hardline Imperial officer after he got along so well with Anakin and Obi Wan during the Clone War.

As it happens, there is one other show that was planned as a five season story from the start: Babylon 5. And though real life issues got in the way of a lot of that plan, its creator was smart enough to make contingency plans for that kind of thing and managed to finish it all.

Well, we should have seen this coming.

I honestly have no idea what would lead her to think Arya was queer, unless it was just a base assumption that girls who are interested in non-girly things can’t possibly be straight. You’d think Brienne’s long-time lust for Jaime would have been a clue the show’s crew didn’t think that.

Also, it means they were able to get one more appearance from Bernard Cribbins before his death.

Tennant always gave a great performance, but he was really hampered by a writing team that never seemed to be on the same page about what his character should be like, which especially hurt when he came off like a huge hypocrite about violence.

I highly suspect the true purpose of that promo is that BBC knew full well this would look like they were bowing to the racist fans and reneging on having a black Doctor.

She’s also said no one should care about what Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacey do beyond their movies. I’m fresh out of fucks to give after that.