
Plus that one time the movie completely disappears up its ass and her character has to pretend to be Julia Roberts.

Anyone else think for a moment that Tay was actually ex-Chancellor Valorum? The actor has an odd resemblance to Terrence Stamp.

Rather eerily prescient how the whole plan to force the Empire into being more obviously evil to turn people against them mirrors what happened with Roe v. Wade.

The great thing is everyone who hasn’t seen the film assumes an impression of this performance has to be exaggerating it, but no.

The great thing is everyone who hasn’t seen the film assumes an impression of this performance has to be exaggerating it, but no.

They even cut out a stinger from Shazam referencing Black Adam at the last minute.

The DCEU’s continuity is so vague at this point that I’m pretty sure Rick Flagg could just show up again with zero explanation.

She’s been questionable since she pretended not to know Richard Jewell was a true story to avoid answering for slandering a dead woman.

Weisz reportedly took one look at the script and refused to do it.

Though since the romance with Newton sucked, you’ll not find many people complaining about that one.

They did. She had a killer guest appearance in Cobra Kai that perfectly rerailed the character while somehow still playing fair with what we saw in the second film.

“Our Superman’s a crappy actor, our Batman wants nothing more to do with us, our Wonder Woman has some questionable opinions about Israel, and our Flash is a literal criminal. So of course we fired the black guy.”

I’ve always wondered who Shue pissed off to have her character so pointlessly destroyed in the process of writing her out (and this article seriously underplays it; Daniel doesn’t just say they broke up, but that she dumped him at prom AND wrecked his prized car from the first movie). It was great to see Cobra Kai do

It’s not quite accurate to say Game of Thrones had no female directors. Men were certainly in the vast majority, but Michelle MacLaren did a few, including the GRR-scripted The Bear and the Maiden Fair.

This would never have happened if he had total consciousness.

It’ll be amazing if the wizard spends the next season or two saying a bunch more Gandalf lines, but then turns out to be Saruman.

I won’t lie, I would actually be kind of into the show saying “Nope, Isildur really is dead and Sauron’s canon defeat has been butterflied out of existence. We’re totally doing our own thing now.” The screams from the people already upset about the black dwarfs would be beautiful.

Kind of like Hope saying “It’s about time” about the Wasp costume, when it’s still only happening at the very end of the movie and you still haven’t solved your lack of female heroes problem.

(Any other oldsters remember the pathetic attempt at a backdoor pilot for DD in one of the old Bixby TV movies? Black DD and Kingpin without a shaved head. We’ve come a ways...)“