
I don’t know why people keep saying she was in Gaslight. There’s no evidence of it, and only a crazy person would think it.

It’s also quite telling how many reviews of the movie seem to be competing over who can come up with the most disgusting description of the character, all of it coming off as shamelessly fat-phobic.

It was steadily built up since the start of Season 3, where Korra crashes a car because she’s staring at Asami.

Funny thing is, Norma from Dead End wasn’t deliberately autistic. The show’s creator simply modeled her after themselves, and then they were later diagnosed as autistic.

For everyone just now learning about this film, yes, that character name is the source of the band Duran Duran. The only better band name origin is Steely Dan.

Julie reportedly turned it down because she didn’t want to steal attention from Emily Blunt.

The greatest climax in movie history. How do you beat centuries of British military history teaming up to kick Nazi ass?

I had the privilege of seeing her onstage in Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit. Even at age 86, she had a tremendous physicality and just threw herself into every moment.

Maybe halfway through he’ll believe he can survive taking his helmet off, like Craig Ferguson in Red Dwarf.

Remember when he forced the two years younger Russell Crowe to call him a “younger man” in The Mummy? Good times.

The show has quite a tightrope to walk keeping Alicent on any kind of sympathetic level now that we’ve basically seen her as a Weinstein lawyer handing out NDAs.

It’s made even more tragic by how we know the “Prince Who Was Promised” is total bullshit anyway, and it’ll be the last Targaryen heir’s little cousin, with none of the family blood herself, who takes care of everything.

Anyone remember Pete Burns from Dead Or Alive........he lives in Aemond Targaryen......”

I’m starting to suspect this started out as an original story, and then the Netflix execs forced it into an existing IP.

A pretty weird writing choice to portray King Durin as cowardly and unreasonable about stopping the digging, when we know the whole time he’s absolutely right and the episode itself even ends with a reminder that this project will eventually cause the total destruction of Kazad-dum.

They’ll complain they can’t relate to someone who has sex.

Major props for just straight-up putting two guys in Doomcock masks as Intelligensia’s mouthpiece. This show just does not give a single fuck about telling these assholes “Yeah, we’re talking about you specifically.”

Which is why Season 2 is already shooting off the numbers it continues to get.

He wrote a couple of FURIOUS articles about how the show destroyed the material he gave them.