
The best way I’ve heard it put: “How do you kill a vampire? Any way you want, because they’re not real.”

But Samaritan finally comes roaring to life in its final half hour, with a simultaneously bonkers and fairly clever plot twist”

You mean the guy who publicly stated that anyone who commits suicide was weak and deserved to die, at the same time that he was on a show alongside Robin Williams’ daughter?

And of course, Emily had to return to her home planet.

So what I’m seeing here is, Zaslav scared James Wan into joining Disney, and now he’s helping them steal King Kong. You know what could help WB at this point? A Swamp Thing show. Why has no one tried that?

On the plus side, no moments on par with Arya basically turning to the audience and pointing out Jaime is Cersei’s brother.

He does have that chin that you can easily believe is the product of incest.

One really weird bit: they clearly thought Rhaenys wouldn’t be a believable Targaryen without their blonde hair...except this completely flies in the face of the whole “black Baratheon hair is genetically superior” thing that the whole first season of GOT was built around.

They probably would have been better off without the explicit Game of Thrones ties. Because now the show’s in a position of being all about preparing for an event we already know isn’t going to happen in these people’s lifetimes, and we also know all their efforts to preserve the warning of it are going to amount to

It’s regrettable that we won’t be seeing a black Slayer beyond that one scrub with a cartoon African accent who got fridged after three episodes, but otherwise I can’t really get that upset over this. Now, if we’re talking a reboot of Firefly, that I could get behind.

The show’s viewing numbers doubled in its second week. It’s looking to become just as huge as Game of Thrones.

The season’s two halves are the first two volumes of the comic, and they actually are integrated more than the comic did (most notably, the Corinthian didn’t show up until Volume 2).

It was neat how they actually incorporated this show’s “present” being the same time it was made, so that now Dream is actually decades late for their 1989 meeting but Hob is still waiting for him.

For those unaware, some volumes of the comic are just collections of one-shot stories, and I’d been wondering how or if the show was going to handle them. This is the perfect way to do it, and since both of them are from volume 3 after the show’s first season adapted 1 and 2, it looks well that we’ll also get the

One particular character she played on Orphan Black is basically a female Walter White, and she’s hilarious in it.

Even the film’s own writers have given completely contradictory statements about whether Cap created a new timeline.

That’s exactly what happened to Stan Lee in the Hulk movie.

We’ve had several movies and shows since Eternals without a single mention that the Earth now has a giant dude sticking out of it.

Peter Farrelly’s also the guy who lied to support Donald Trump’s claims of seeing Muslim families celebrating the September 11th attacks.