

The end of Better Call Saul did great with it. Even after both that show and Breaking Bad did some serious plot changes over losing actors, when the original Jeff the Cabby couldn’t come back for the last few episodes, they decided “Screw it, we’re not going to let this completely wreck a story we spent years building

I’m 100% sure this was a joke. The woman comes from Rick and Morty.

Galadriel stares at you accusingly.

So...you’re actually taking the writer of Pickle Rick seriously when she says she’s no good at writing the exact kind of show this is?

I saw it as him giving Marie what she actually needed, an obvious bad guy who was still alive to face the full consequences of everything that went down.

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For my money, Das Boot has the single greatest piece of music in any war film. It just makes you want to get up and get things done.

A ton of Enemy Mine was heavily rewritten because an idiot studio exec demanded the title should be completely literal, with an actual mine involved.

They made the mistake of introducing her having seriously screwed up the hugely popular Lin’s life and seemingly having no regrets about it. Then her situation in Season 4 was a lot more sympathetic.

She’s the first Legend of Korra cast member to die, including Eva Marie Saint who’s still with us at 98. I won’t act like I didn’t hate Suyin as much as everyone else at first, but Heche’s performance definitely won me over in the final season.

This makes her the show’s first cast member to die. Even Eva Marie Saint is still hanging in there at 98.

Pretty much everyone’s predicting Harley is going to be Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver.

Start your bets now on whether she winds up in the MCU or Star Wars.

Also, the filmmakers apparently thinking “magma” is some super-obscure term only experts would know.

Whatever, dude, you kissed a guy.

The real irony is no one seems to be talking about how Scuttle has been changed to a woman, voiced by an Asian actress, and is even a totally different kind of bird. So that’s how much “the original is sacred” is really a part of the argument.

Jesse Ventura followed up his praise of Amber Midthunder with more for him, saying he did the late, great Kevin Peter Hall proud.

a movie driven by a good idea rather than a cynical exercise in leveraging existing I.P.”

The Colin Hanks character didn’t exist, and was created to shove all the bad stuff off of real people. Basically how Paramount got around putting out a show saying “Look how we tried to destroy the greatest movie ever.”

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Working alongside Marlon Brando probably came in handy when she did this the following year.