Imprisonment for life, regardless of age, should be the result of this. It's an act of terrorism.
Imprisonment for life, regardless of age, should be the result of this. It's an act of terrorism.
How does my comment not make sense? Everything stated is perfectly valid. She is another black woman in a service role!
Ok now it all makes sense, given the timeline and whatnot. And not that was even mad at the developer in question, just more the media as a whole.
Today's selection of articles from Kotaku's reader-run community: Why Kirby Canvas Curse is My Favorite Kirby Game • Solving Donkey Kong Country's Great DK Island Mystery • Microtransactions Have Legitimized Casual Games
Roommate walked in while this video was playing and I was under blankets...I have no regrets.
The Donkey Kong Country series contains some of the most beloved platforming titles to ever grace a Nintendo…
They should have brought a couple dozen more people.
I received one as an early XMAS gift last night. My boyfriend had originally purchased an Xbox, but rethought it at the behest of our good friend, and his desire to play Mario Kart with us. I couldn't be happier; I am very much looking forward to the relationship-ending fights we will have while playing it. Mario Kart…
To quote British comedian Andy Zaltzman, "If there's any continent that should know the dangers of swinging hard-right during an economic downturn, it should be Europe."
Hey. There are times and places for jokes. People being hurt intentionally at an event they attended to feel safe and have fun at is neither.
This Friday you could be sitting warm and safe in your homes watching a Christmas movie and drinking hot…
An egg?
If I had to sum up people's reaction to Far Cry 4 in a single sentence, it would have to be: "Fuck these birds."
Look. At. That. Look at it! Choreographed martial arts doesn't get much better than this.
This War of Mine starts off feeling like the most depressing variation of The Sims ever, one where any happiness or…
That doesn't make any fucking sense. What a childish way of thinking.
Hasn't your mom taught you two wrongs don't make a right yet?
Wrong things are wrong. The end. That's it.
Relating them to some other bullshit to loosely associate it as an okay and justifiable action is a weak and rotten excuse.
The satire and humor…
Not gonna lie. I got a bunch of hearty laughs from watching this. Never played "Ess Ell".
The rest of this guys channel is gold too. Specially this one.