Ah, fair enough, it had passed me by that Gun Game made an appearance in BF3. I’d still say it feels more like a CoD staple in today’s era though, much like zombies.
Ah, fair enough, it had passed me by that Gun Game made an appearance in BF3. I’d still say it feels more like a CoD staple in today’s era though, much like zombies.
Yes, DICE sure has shown how good it can be with BF2042. :/
Zombie Invasion? Gun Game?
Based on the player counts it’s really to see this game pulling through. I think we’re going to see some quality of life updates to try and entice people back but nothing requiring major investment — or at least such investment is on hold unless the game rebounds.
An interesting contrast between San Junipero and some of season four’s takes on the technology is that in SJ the mind seems to move back and forth from the digital world with memories from both persistent and intact.
So do we think this is a prequel to season 3’s similarly happy-ending ‘San Junipero’?
Now if someone could just settle my mind on whether it’s a shell or a saddle on his back.
I don’t really get why games like Battlefield don’t support it when the plumbing is already there. Dictation is pretty accurate these days if on-screen typing doesn’t do the job. Makes it all feel so anonymous, especially with lots of people not on comms.
Oh my god spoilers
Delaware is in the US not the UK, so presumably the judge is American too. With any luck the court will side with its people and slap BT in the face. This would set an extremely alarming precedent.
Tropical Freeze is an absolute musical triumph thanks to them getting the DKC2 composer back out of cold storage. Some of my favourites are:
Oh I don’t know, you having posted about 20 comments on this article about the game — five of which in five minutes — kind of suggests that you’re a bit obsessed with it. xD
Yeah all right mate. We all know you’ll be on this game like a rash once the 11 out of 10 reviews come along and it's the hot talk of the season.
Er, jesus christ. The self-deluding surety that what they want to believe is definitely true is bizarre. This must be how conspiracy theorists work.
If we’re talking impossible theoretical stuff then sure it might put them off, but there’s no way of truly preventing anonymity so the worst people would still prevail in causing harm. Just like you can’t guarantee tracing back someone engaging in phone harassment. It’s a lovely dream for everyone to be accountable…
But being open with personal information online is precisely what leads to swatting in the first place — not to mention the unbelievable levels of ‘doxxing’ (i.e. harassment and sharing of someone’s details) that countless people endure every day.