Ryan J

People can put their money where their mouth is...Are people really concerned about fossil fuels and rising oceans? Providing a healthy world for their children? Not if it costs an extra $7,500...

? Heirloom blankets and 6 quilts seem like things you’d have to store

Anything but $$, i guess.

I also loathe websites that make me change my password every 2 months. Like I need to start remembering multiple combinations of words and phrases.

Hahahaha...data? Liberals don’t need data.

If you’re a white male and your explaining anything to anyone who is not a white male, you’re a mansplainer.

Wow, 6 out of 10...Guess I should go out and buy some camo and eat at Cracker Barrell, and go all in...

I forgot that Trump was President during the Newtown shooting...

Rich white kids = OK

I assume this is for breakfast or lunch? If this is for dinner, couldn’t you do this in the morning before leaving for work, like a normal person?

Right, because women never demean men when they screw up the laundry or put a baby’s diaper on backwards. Humans love to display their superiority to everyone else. Hell, the comments on the entire Lifehacker site is living proof.

If there was any real threat the US State Dept. would issue a travel ban to South Korea and start evacuating families from South Korea and Guam, leaving only essential personnel.

“And get this: The sink where workers are supposed to wash their hand didn’t even get hot enough to sanitize their hands—but the White House is a real dump.”

Weird, i would have compared the BLM people to the wight walkers. A bunch of brainless zombies who’s sole purpose is to disrupt life as was we know it.

Every twitter server all over the world should just be blown to pieces, never to be recovered again.

Maybe there might be an opening in the market for buyer’s agents to buy cars for people, and negotiate the price and loan terms. This is a thing, and maybe financially illiterate people should utilize these types of services.

Ha, you had me until men work harder than women. Equal is equal.

Hahaha back when people had manners was when husbands would beat their wives and children. Where only men went to work and when women stayed home to take care of the house and children. It’s amazing how we can evolve to have equality with the opposite sex until “chivalry” and “manners” come in to question. eff that

The place near me makes a roll out of thin yellow tail and tuna sashimi, with a cucumber wrap. And they do make gluten free soy sauce. It’s basically liquid aminos. For those who are like “what’s the point?.”

I don’t understand the people who need to comment on other people’s diets.