Ryan J

There are about 14,000 gun deaths a year and a large majority of those are by handguns. You have 4 or less instances per year of a psychopath using an AR type weapon to kill 10-40 people. 1 time is too many, but there have been instances where vans, bombs, etc. are used by people who want to inflict mass casualties.

Leave it to liberal news sources to take quotes out of context (that never happens). This line below was in the report right after the often quoted “I’m fucked.” line. Gives a little context, not that you want that.

Good old romantic fried chicken Valentine’s date...ha!

Mankind has survived much worse than a 4 year Trump presidency. Why people continue to let him lease time in their heads is crazy to me. Shit, you’re halfway there.

If you do a search for percentage of acres burned in wildfires in the US (https://www.iii.org/graph-archive/96433) it shows a pretty steady 4-6 million acres every year until about the early 2000's. Then you do a google search for “popularity of camping” and you learn that camping is a huge draw for millenials and

Hey, anytime. Sweet sarcasm by the way. Great, there are 1.9 million people in the panhandle, maybe, I don’t know if you’re counting from Hamilton to Escambia which is the “unofficial” panhandle. My point was, blaming the election on the pandhandle where roughly 480k votes (where Gillum got 90k votes in one county

They didn’t say drugs, they said homicide. See past the blind rage and disdain for others, long enough to comprehend what you’re reading.

yeah there are like 5000 people, outside of Tallahassee, in the panhandle, and Tally went Blue. I see comments like this all over twitter and facebook and it’s not correct.

Most breeders are cash only operations and a lot of people can’t swing the payment without using plastic...

I’m pretty sure that the planes hitting those towers that day made us stronger and more unified than any other point since World War II, at least for a little while. It did not destroy our democracy as much as they tried. Is that the same message? That no matter how bad the Russians try to screw with our democracy, it

Trump is the President of Canada too? Wow, he must be doing such a great job. Pretty sure this was between Canada and Saudi Arabia.

Yup, this is “Trump’s America”. 5 year old children didn’t get shot up under Obama or anything.. You had valid points but every time someone uses an event like this as something to take a shot at the President, they lose all credibility.

I’ve had good luck doing 123 degrees for 30 minutes on scallops. Then patting them somewhat dry and putting them in a blazing hot pan to sear each side for 30 seconds. They come out perfect.

Definitely the donation route. Most cities have a children’s hospital that would LOVE unopened toys. Let people bring stuff to you and just bring them to your local children’s hospital. Or put a note on the invite “No Gift, Please. Any gifts, though appreciated, will be donated to _________” as a way for complete

Umm if nuclear war broke out the monetary value of your 401k or investments would be $0. Only food, guns, and fuel would be worth a damn.

The problem you speak of is improper air balancing. Every register in a space is supposed to deliver a uniform amount of air volume. If the system is not properly balanced you get some offices getting 250cfm and others getting 100 cfm. If the office with the thermostat (temp sensors) is getting the restricted air flow

I read it all.

If only there were websites that told people what various companies charge for baggage fees.

I used sharebuilder for a while and if you invest in their funds you can either invest a minimum of $1000 or set up recurring investments. They just charge you the mutual fund expense which, depending on the fund, is around 1-2%. If you want to invest in a specific stock, you end up paying the stock purchase fee, of

I thought Fox News was was run by right-wing nutjobs? Now we can trust what they’re saying because it backs up a Left-wing argument? Who can keep track of this stuff