Ryan J

Now I can finally stop reading this! Cheers!

Thank god we don’t live in a better civilization.

I hope I’m sitting in front of you next time when I get on a plane and recline my seat.

Misogynistic show?... GTFO.

Because absolutely everything in the whole story is about sexism.
Can you be more superficial?

From one greyed out commenter to another, your response is much closer to the truth than the author.

TBF, 90% of Salty’s answers can also be boiled down to “Tip more always, forever.”

It’s weird to me that people believe a) the Patriots are huge cheaters who were caught cheating by the NFL, and b) the NFL rigs games for the Patriots. It’s not unlike believing that the FBI nailed Hillary for her dangerous and flagrantly illegal e-mail server, and also that they secretly were trying to sink Trump’s

When a bird poops on my car, I make sure to have chicken for dinner.

Losing my childhood pet while I was away at college was one of the more devastating moments I’ve had to get through in my adult life. We got a new puppy within the next year and I can’t believe we’ve had her for almost 10 years now. I love her fiercely, just as much as I loved our first dog, and I wish pets could just

Yeah, seriously. “She won’t get rid of her two dogs she loves, she has a dog addiction.” Buddy.

You can pry my dogs from my cold, dead arms. Like hell they’re staying outside during evenings, disrupting the neighborhood by barking at the door endlessly— they’re pack animals and need their people. Nor would I lob them off indefinitely onto someone else while this dude works through his shit. It’s way too easy for

We do the donation route with our kids. We ask their current teacher  what they would need for their classroom and that can be used for future classes (of that age) - usually books. That way the other kids at the party will get use out of the donations, as well as future students.

Zune was a failed product. Zima was failed product. Combining those names only spelled doom. What did they expect?

True Jalops heat their water on a fire pit and wash their cars outside during winter.

When his left elbow hit the ground, he lost grip on the ball with his left hand (one might say DROPPED it) and the ball hit the ground. That’s a pretty clear non-catch according to the rules.

you don’t actually owe a response to anyone online

Solid only because you haven’t tried to clean it in the dishwasher (yet).

Holy Crap!