Ryan J

Going by that argument, 10% of 25k car is 2500, then 10% of 50k is 5000.. If you ask me those spending more are paying a higher tax.

I think it would be suicide for N. Korea to attack the US first. The greater risk is NK selling nuclear technology and/or materialto other anti-US countries and having nuclear weapons become more widespread. We care so much about the future of the planet, with global warming and pollution, yet nuclear destruction is a

Don’t like serving people? Don’t work in the service industry.

Jokes about black people = Racist

Lebron made the jump to Cleveland and forced Cleveland to get Kevin Love. Kevin Love, Tristan Thompson, Lebron, and Irving should be enough to match up. GS got role players like Iguadala and David West to bring the physicality to a finesse team.

Just take in to consideration how you do when you get up on weekends, or when the sun comes up before your alarm... not everyone wakes with the sunlight.

Just take in to consideration how you do when you get up on weekends, or when the sun comes up before your alarm...

The irony is that Spirit exists because they are rock bottom cheap. If you go to the cheapest place you should expect crappy services. People wonder why the airlines listed are usually the ones with the lowest fares. Want to be pretty much guaranteed to get where your going fly a better, ie: more expensive, airline.

sell your other iPhones

The point is to get clicks and spur hot debate.

You probably didn’t go to school for liberal arts. They need to start teaching people early in life that an obsolete degree won’t get you a good paying job. We tell everyone to follow their dreams, then when that $500 /week pay check rolls in, their “dream” suddenly involves renting a studio apartment for the rest of

If you’re keeping up with the news, you apparently need to have highly specialized skills to avoid cutting your hand off, while working with an Avocado. Those skills cost $$$.

You can just wait until enough people believe that shelter is a right, and not a privilege, and maybe you’ll get a house for free!

Maybe...Until you realize that Lockheed Martin, Northup Gruman, Raytheon, Bath Iron Works, and more are mostly located in Democrat heavy states. The military personnel in the armed forces are mostly from Red states, but the companies building this stuff come from Blue.

I think the #1 thing would be to stay out of Chicago.

Global warming killed Venus

If you have a household income of 30k and are getting a 30k exemption for married filing jointly you pay zero taxes.

Most of the West Coast are Blue states. Those are the ones in the most danger. I’d beg Trump to leave NK alone and see where the chips fall. What’s the worst that can happen?

Where did I say nuke them, you jackass. Oh no I resorted to name calling i must be a mental midget resorting to name calling. No, sometimes you have to call a spade a spade.

Kim Jong Un has only been in charge since 2011. Nothing to do with Shrub or Bush, or Clinton.

I’m open to both sides of discussion. Trump is a moron. Barack allowed this through 8 years of “sanctions” he had no way to enforce due to China helping NK. Even though Trump bashers hate facts, the fact is Trump is not the one doing threat assessments. He’ll make the final call with Mattis’ input.