Ryan J

Also, in the grand scheme of things, if you need to pay $3,000 and don’t have the cash to pay it all off, at 16% APR, paying $3,000 off over the 3 months would cost roughly $70. Having the financial flexibility rather than straight a outflow of 3k is worth it, sometimes.

Fake news: There is no corner in the oval office.

People don’t like common sense. Someone, somewhere, had an unsecured gun for it to change hands so many times, and ultimately kill this kid.

Or you could just, you know, protect yourself.

Another useful place is attached to a magnet on the fridge. I have some wrenches for the sink, toilet paper holder, and various set screws, so having a heavy duty magnet on the side of the fridge with them is handy.

Then don’t buy it. People don’t need a 707 HP Hellcat, but some still want it.

Assaulting that passenger was definitely uncalled for but the over inflated egos of people who think they have “rights” is getting out of hand. I think you basically give up any rights walking in to an airport. Hell i can’t drive on to their property to drop someone off without a state trooper telling me that i cannot

The girls removed from the United flight were not 10. They were described as teenagers. Not sure ages were actually provided. A mother, who overheard the 2 girls being removed from the flight, then told her 10 year old daughter that she needed to put a dress over the leggings that she was wearing. The mother didn’t

Let’s not get it twisted this is not the first bombing. They have been getting bombed, this is the first time the US has tried to assist them. By bombing an airfield, the US is taking away, or limiting, their access to the skies, which should have been done long ago by the last administration.

In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t affect my day.

Sorry but as a white male, you get blamed for something every day. No one takes accountability for themselves and you just get tired of it. I may have been a little off base in a few of my replies, which may distract from my initial point.

The negotiation thing may be what accounts for 80% of the wage gap. The other 20% is most definitely misogyny. If bloggers want to use the current political climate to further the conversation and close the gap i’m all for it. What man wouldn’t want their wives making more money? It’s asinine. I’d love it if my wife

I had to stay in grey land until she had the opportunity to publish her post about how women can’t negotiate. May stay here permanently now. I guess if I want my opinion heard I should start my own blog.

Is it sexist to say that women don’t negotiate as hard as men? My wife was offered a promotion with more responsibilities and they only offered her a 15% pay increase. She was happy with it. When I searched payscale and glassdoor i found that the position is technically a brand new position that should have netted her

A role call of who voted could have been helpful. Full disclosure, I skimmed the article as I already knew the issue. I was just hoping to see who voted for what.

I, unfortunately, fall on the side of you can only tax people so much. I’ve never been a huge fan of taxing the rich because they have so much disposable income. Who’s decision is it to draw that line? I’d rather see a better plan to spend the trillions of dollars that the government already gets. I aspire to make

There is enough bad press, that any Republican could justify to their constituents that the bill presented does not reflect the promises relayed during the election. They can sell to their supporters that “they need to do better”. Of course democrats complained about Obamacare, too. You’ll never get a full consensus

My own list:

Weird, a negative Trump post...

traffic should be nice...because less people on the road...not because, never mind.