
I have to confess - as I’m a Korean-American. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is one of my all-time favorite films. I can totally understand though.

Sooo many White girls I know list Breakfast at Tiffany’s as their favorite movie. Personally I could never get past this shit. I know it’s from an earlier era and such but it’s like they went out of their way to be racist when they didn’t even have to be.

My favorite example; John Wayne as Genghis Kahn.

Pegged it.

I never realized it before, but Man of Steel vs the Dark Knight Rises would be a perfectly suitable porno title on its own.

It’d be great if scientists stopped taking pictures of celestial bodies with a camera obscura. We have these things called daguerreotypes now. Gosh.

Can’t wait until they get higher quality. Should be pretty amazing!

so all those in favour of Jack Warner then...

Welcome to Kinja, Mr. Blatter.

Lies. That has to be the lineup in Hell.

You mean you don’t do this kind of banter to your siblings? It’s hilarious.

I’m really grateful for journalists taking care to report suicide compassionately and responsibly, so thank you. For anyone who is interested, the Samaritans guidelines are pretty good, IMO: http://www.samaritans.org/media-centre/m…

EDIT: Oh, and for the people complaining that this is clearly ‘POLITICAL CORRECTNESS

This. A friend of mine lost her life recently and her family chose to frame it as: “she lost her battle with depression.” Because those who die by their own hand are not making a conscious, rational decision, which “committed” and “took” imply.

So it’s a Dickverse?

Leeuwenhoek-up ?

A 9.9 quake on the New Madrid fault turns Memphis, Tennessee into an island nation and awakens a cryo-ed cyborg Elvis from his slumber beneath its capital Graceland in Hunka Hunka Burning Lava.

I feel like you have no idea what you are talking about. People didn’t dislike Avengers because it was funny, they disliked it because it was stupid. The plot was all over the place, a lot of it was under-developed and there was constant shoe-horning in of “CHECK OUT THIS SET UP FOR FUUUUTTUURRREEEE MOVIES!” Also

Dr. Doom not blogger Doom or Euro-trash Doom. Dr. Victor Von Doom ruler of Latveria, wearer of awesome armor and capes.

Plus I don't see a lot of people up in arms about when a white guy plays jesus.