There’s definitely room for making jokes around the topic- especially jokes about people glorifying it. The sketch did a piss-poor job of doing that, and I’m not convinced they tried. SNL is a terrible venue for that sort of thing.
There’s definitely room for making jokes around the topic- especially jokes about people glorifying it. The sketch did a piss-poor job of doing that, and I’m not convinced they tried. SNL is a terrible venue for that sort of thing.
It’s a bit funnier live, at midnight on a Saturday. It’s the show you put on and watch because you’re home and not tired enough to fall asleep, or home and not sober enough to fall asleep. Since you’ve already resigned yourself to watching SNL, the bits that are mildly funny are funnier and you just pray for only a…
it is not possible for one observer, by making a measurement of a subsystem of the total state, to communicate information to another observer.
Quantum entanglement doesn’t help you build an ansible. Once you force one half of the entangled pair into a state, they’re no longer entangled. You can’t twiddle one and have the other one twaddle.
But it’s wrong. Quantum entanglement cannot be used to transmit information instantaneously, or faster than light, or without sending a physical signal from place to place. By changing one of the particles’ state, you destroy the entanglement.*
If I send the signal to change the state, it would change instantly on both, no matter if they were next to each other on a table, or across the galaxy from one another.
From the CVE:
Yeah, it’s pretty silly. There’s a metric shitton of ES lore, and... it being a far-future post-post-apocalyptic landscape is directly incompatible with all of it.
The chain-smoking is what probably killed him, but it’s impossible to Actually Know.
Failed?! I’d say he won, in the end...
If it stops being fun, quit. If you don’t have enough time to work on it, quit. If the community turns toxic, quit. It’s a hobby. If your hobby stops being fun, quit if you like. That’s the whole point of a hobby. If supporting a mod is a pain in the ass, quit!
You’re right, of course. The big name open source projects (and a lot of smaller ones) are backed by companies. But as an individual, unless you’re hired by one of those companies, just contributing to a project doesn’t net you any pay.
If you build off an established intellectual property, you have to play by the owner’s rules (outside of fair use exemptions). If you don’t like the rules then find something else to do. I don’t mind.
Have you heard of open source software? It’s not entirely created by unpaid hobbyists, but a great deal of it is.
I’ve put out a few mods. It’s entirely for fun, and to show off what I can do. It’s a hobby, like contributing to open source projects.
Make a mod for a game, and you play by the publisher’s rules. That’s the deal you make when you go into modding.
I want to go back in time, find whoever invented Subway’s smell and strangle his great-grandfather. It’s the only way to be sure.
Yes, but your friends have terrible taste and insist on Subway.