
Now that you mention it, I bet that’s how the entire Tamarian language was created. Not from important events, but from a long running sitcom.

It’s basically easier to assume that any person who uses the phrase “Social Justice Warriors” in a non-comedic sense is just a robot from the 1950s who somehow accidentally released into the 21st century.

I getcha.

And even Jezebel is turning a blind eye to the sketch that glorified statutory rape? Great.

Yeah, in the book series ‘stealth’ means “no emissions or reflectivity on the frequencies people check.” I guess the idea is that nobody is scanning every boosting ship in the system, and if nobody notices you move your stealth ship to orbit some asteroid big enough to have microgravity, you can hang out there

No. Don’t be ridiculous. Everyone knows there’s no audience for Scarlett Johansson as the lead in a superhero movie!

Tried to edit my previous comment, wouldn’t work, so here’s the way Lucy 2 (should / could) work in my mind, worded nice and neatly this time around:

The new protagonist is Joaquin Phoenix communicating with Lucy’s disembodied voice through his phone.

If it doesn’t....well we inly had to wait a decade and a bit this time? I’m sure the weather in 2030 is very nice this time of year.

Wait just one damn minute. Science Fiction...on SyFy?

My main problem with this movie is more basic-

And her doing this totally discredits the legitimate use of theory to understand identity. She’s endangering the progress made in getting people to recognize gender as fluid and sexuality as more than mutually exclusive checkboxes. She is fucking it up for lots of people.


I just cannot deal with this bitch. She is a fucking mess. She gets the Claire Stare.

Except the course was actually, explicitly about graphic novels. That’s exactly what she signed up for.

Av gas is pumped throughout the plane to reach the engines. That’s where fires can happen, and they are relatively common it seems. Whereas the flammable part of the battery (the electrolyte) is fully contained and never leaves the battery (unless it is punctured). There’s also battery chemistries that don’t catch on

Well, the plane isn’t actively funneling it to a place where it is intentionally burned, so there’s that.

A related consideration is that one advantage of liquid-fuel aircraft is the ability to trade payload for fuel to increase range.