
The only way I can deal with how HIMYM was in the the later seasons was pretending that Robin was just Maria Hill’s cover identity.

Maria Hill is low key, highly competent, and gifted with major snark. Why isn’t she running everything?

this is literally the most incredibly appropriate gif for a topic ever. i applaud you.

JK Rowling has given 1 million Pounds to New Labour.

She’s a bit like Jhumpa Lahiri in this regard. Both seem to be quite introverted, and not particularly fond of being ‘out in the open’. Granted, Lahiri to my knowledge has no online presence, but sometimes I’ve seen in interviews people trying to take her narratives into some preconceived notions about racial issues

The “Better Together” campaign in Scotland was a political campaign looking to specifically affect the outcome of a democratic vote as important as any election. Saying it’s not political by virtue of not being specifically tied to a political party would be as disingenuous as saying donating to a SuperPAC isn’t

The Avengers have more stable attendance than Whedon’s social media history.

Especially since Whedon quits Twitter like, every other week.

Of course, JKR of all people knows how to shut that shit down.

Nobody starts modding with the hopes of making money off their mods. They do it because they are curious and they have fun and then they get attention. You listed art, music, and writing, except all of these things have established ways of earning money from them, where as modding does not and has never. You can’t

You have an excellent point here that I haven’t even considered. The complete abandon of quality assurance and compatibility.

You don’t have that in a business situation. DLC is always going to be compatible with other DLC put out by the developer/publisher.

See, here is where I disagree with you, modders could get paid for their work, they bring in a lot of things to the games, in Skyrim’s case, one modder even created enough content that it is considered an expansion for the game and even then, if the game wouldn’t be moddable, I wouldn’t have spent a cent on it.

...modders aren’t modding for fun? Given that they didn’t get “paid” before last Thursday...what were they doing it for then?

Actually us music scene people generally play for free all the time. Money is an after thought until we notice you are trying to make us pay to play so you can screw us over. I would rather play a free show than have you charge people coming to hear music with no compensation to the musicians.

Interestingly... maybe.. is that as crappy as it is, it’s kinda normal.

Some 3D models for Argonians and a few companion NPCs. Just shit I wanted myself and put online for others if they would like it. It was fun to make, end of story.

Yeah, which is about in line with how most other industries work. The exact same cut that people get from Dota 2/TF2/CSGO community created skins. Good thing none of those dudes are clearing six digits a year.... This is also par for the course for when you use an established IP, the holders kinda get compensated for

Since Morrowind, in the Jurassic period, People have been modding for fun or to add things they themselves wanted in the game. Even I did it for Oblivion, Just.For.Fun.

Oh please, I hope they do. Then we will know who the whiny little kids are, crying and taking their ball home while the true modders stay and keep doing it because they love what they do.

Meh, a few salty losers are crying for their mommas. Big deal.