
wait no! that's not how to test it! some normal mirrors have a gap and some don't as well - it depends on the thickness of the glass, so the fingernail test isn't actually reliable. what you can do, however, is knock on the mirror, because if it's two way there'll be a room behind it so the sound will be hollow. or

Jeez, you must have tested thousands of mirrors in your life. How many were two-way?

Hillary is exactly like Khaleesi! She’s blonde, I can’t stand her, and she’s a better leader than all the viable alternatives.

“Did Obama just admit that an Islamic Callisee is heading towards the West? Tune in to FOX tonight to find out!”

Then the pan to the audience; half are laughing like maniacs, the other half is “What? What kind of name is Callisee? Is that Jewish? It’s the end of days!”

Khaleesi is coming to Westeros!” Was the best damn part.

“The Baltimore police ask that you remain in your seats while they figure out the best way to escalate the situation.”

“Haarrumph, what nonsense! Once again the Proleteriat would deny free trade and commerce with their outstretched hands taking away our god-given right for profit. A shame, I say. A shame”

There was actually a Superman story about him dealing with someone selling Superman merchandise and he made a deal with a guy to handle it in exchange for some of the profits going to charity. Superman’s reasoning was it was going to happen anyway so he might have well have some handle on it. Not to mention he

I think that if that guy selling Spider Man toys in Times Square were personally served by his private attorney , SHE-HULK, he might get the picture .

If I say “George,” you think “Bush.”

Semi related: Jared from subway went to my alma mater, Indiana University Bloomington. The story he tells - about walking to subway to lose weight and eat healthy and all that jazz - is complete bullshit. The apartment he lived at while attending IU are affectionately called “The Subway Apartments” because they are

I would literally rather risk driving 80 more miles for the next food exit than stop at an exit that only has Subway. A man has to have principles.

  • The lettuce is sweaty.

Subway restaurants smell like plastic and urine. I've been saying this for two decades.

Calling the culinary abortions they serve “subs” is an insult to the American tradition of the big-eating working man. A sub, or a hoagie, or a hero, or whatever you call it is supposed to be a monster of a sandwich. Half a pound of meat and cheese at least. The kind of thing you eat in between four-hour stretches of

I'm an accountant, and our firm performs work for the company that adds the artificial coloring to Subway's chicken breasts to make the grill marks.

You actually could have spent the whole article talking about the bread. The bread is utterly and horribly tasteless. Seriously, no other bread tastes like this; bread should be one of the good, if not great parts of the sandwich; at Subway, the bread is merely something to hold in all the miserable ingredients they

I used to tutor the med school entry exam, and thus had to proctor practice tests on a regular basis. These things are well over four hours, I had to be there the entire time, and, to be convenient to the people prepping, were usually between 6 and 10pm. I needed dinner and not to spend a lot of money, and Subway was