
Mainly because Star Trek was about optimism for the future. Not dark and gritty terrorist attacks. It would be like a ‘My Little Pony’ movie with one of the little pony heads severed and left in a bed.

It was an ok science fiction movie, but it wasn’t Star Trek. It was just a science fiction movie that happened to contain characters named Kirk, Spock and McCoy. And it was a very bad re-imagining of TWOK. So, for me, if I can divorce myself of anything Star Trek related and just look at it as an independent movie, it

Excellent list. You forgot one.

There is just a ton of bad writing examples in the film. From the terrible set up of the magic Blood (“OK, are you ready for this dangerous life threatening mission?” “Lets Go... Say what are you working on Bones?” “Oh just some blood that brings things back to life.” “I wonder if that will be usefull later {Winks at

mucus through the joints.

Best coment.

Rep. Rob Taylor (R) attended, but turned his back during the blessing. This, he believes, is what Jesus would have done. “Jesus would be in the chamber, from my perspective. He would passively protest,” he told reporters.

This past year at NYCC, I was wandering around Artists' Alley when the Deadpools collectively met to go annoy everyone. I ended up, dressed as Gaiman's Destiny, sandwiched by the Run DMC table, while a large mass of Deadpools jumped around screaming or jacking off or whatever the fuck they do (I'm not a fan of

It's not as simple as plain old professionalism in the past. You've had all kinds of editing, use of doubles, pasties, falsies, all manner of props and editing tricks.