
Yeah definitely cleveland with that much denim

So he was fine after the crash and broke his arm trying to get his pizza out?

Lets hope his teeth were straight before he got hit in the face

Its spelled Ley

Would Tim Tebow have prevented this if he had gone to OSU?

Why was this investigation so much more groundbreaking than the one at UNC? This one seemed like it got all the attention but the 2 cases seem equally as corrupt

Are there any pictures of the sexual acts?

We call that a hot snack

No UNC football or basketball? There is some sneaky shit going on over there

Next time you want to know if using fresh garlic is better than minced garlic in a jar, taste both of them and the decision should be easy

I'd still hit it

So, just a regular rainforest?

What are your thoughts on having a sister as a wingman? Both my older sister and I are coming out of long term relationships and live near each other. We both have been going out together recently and the other night, she started talking to these girls, one of which I went home with. Is this an OK thing to do? I feel

You suck Drew

shouldn't they be wearing blackface?

If you were paid a salary of $2,000,000 per year, tax free, would you be willing to make going to a maximum security, general population prison your job? Lets say it is a 40 hour per week job (8am-5pm), you have to commit to an entire year, and you would be able to go home at night to your family.

And Hiramatsu favorite movies.

Who will be hated more by the people of color for the use of "the n-word": Paula or Riley?

If you were paid a salary of $2,000,000 per year, tax free, would you be willing to make going to a maximum security, general population prison your job? Lets say it is a 40 hour per week job (8am-5pm), you have to commit to an entire year, and you would be able to go home at night to your family.

What a Knob-Jockey