
Two things on Brit-Brit:

It does seem like it would take a really terrible person to even dream up such a thing to say to someone, no matter what the situation.

They knew she had issues, wrote terrible things to her in a public forum, one suggested she kill herself and then is quoted afterwards as not regretting any of her actions except that one. They sound like real shitheads and a little public humiliation would do them some good. They are still alive and able to reform

Mistaken post.

"Blonde, young, white… That's the stuff dreams and TV shows are made of. "

Screw you person whose life is so much more meaningful than ours that you have no time left in your busy day to waste on silly television.

Thanks! I am actually seriously considering using Silk Road []. I have been doing research and it appears to be fairly safe right now.

Yes. That is the correct term ("invading my space'.) Or "stalking," but that is harder to prove.

Can we add Taylor Swift to that list?

I saw that docu and have wanted to find a psychotherapy retreat just like that one ever since then. I love how she went back after he died just to accept his death on her own. It's such a shame that we are prevented from this sort of therapy and I have no idea how to find an underground place like that.

How does someone who is an old and knows no one who can get this drug for them get some? How would I go about it? Just go to a seedy bar and talk to everyone until I either get some or get arrested? Where are the illegal drugs for older people?????????

Can I ask how you came about obtaining it? I am in my forties and want to do this with my significant other and have no idea how to go about getting some....

Yes, you are the very first one to ever point this out. Congrats!

So you deserve every penny that you make, Gaga-goo? Let's talk about every measly penny that I make as a teacher working both during school hours and then after and before school and on weekends to keep things running smoothly? Or the money that my doctor made curing my cancer? Or what your maid earns cleaning your

I binge-watch Lost. I keep hoping that I'll have a Purple Rose of Cairo experience and be transported to this island where I wouldn't have to take thyroid replacement hormones anymore, I would get to live on the beach, and Hurley is ever-watching over everything.

Suggesting to someone what not to do is the same thing as telling them what to do. Regardless, she wasn't complaining. Did she say "I hate my uneven breasts"? She was simply relating a humorous anecdote. And she is allowed to talk about her own body as much as she wants, especially if it's about oddities that make her

First: That's Dr. Thredson. Second: Leonard Nimoy is and shall always be...Spock.

At this point, they should just have RHOBH 15 minute mini-sodes: Brandi and Lisa Drink Brandy and Eat Pizza, Kim and Kyle Play Poker and Procreate, Yolanda Bobs for Lemons, and Camille and Taylor Search for Husbands in Bangor.

Mayim Bialik: 180 improvement over her Golden Globes granny dress.

Loved the book and thought the movie was an insulting adaptation. It actually angered me.