
“It takes you back to being a kid: You’re out there, you’re sloshing around and your shoes are full of water and mud,” Richard Sherman said. “It’s still a kid’s game at the end of the day.”

It looks like they played on the Chargers’ bed.

“I’m just naturally a monster.”

Hes got the reflexes of a cat

Think of how much better this would be if we could talk Alabama into doing this with War Elephants

Oh so its funny when they fall off the wagon, but not when I do?

Are you thinking about suicide? CALL 800-273-8255 (24/7)

This is the top comment right here.

I think it’s time we blow this scene
Get everybody and the stuff together
Ok, three, two, one, let’s AHHHH MY KNEE

My best guess is that we will stop hearing my take shortly before we stop hearing your response.

Still suffering major knee damage? Colin Kaepernick. 

That’s what I said!

Interesting. For me it represents “Aaaahh ghaaaa nooooooo!”.

The leading ‘toothhead’ pic accurately represents how I felt attempting to play Heavy Rain.

Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.


Yeah, well at least their mascot isn’t a mobile home.


Would have never guessed he would come up short.  Wide right maybe,  but not short.