I used to be half of those things!
“You’re impeached.”
Maybe this theoretical administration would take the time to investigate the books of these so-called nonprofit organizations first and expose them as the covetous, tax-free-status-swindling cretins they are, and therefore not subject to religious exemption/constitutional protection?
To be fair, a lot of that stuff is pretty much fine if one reads the whole stupid book...
Just another odious, racist piece of garbage....kind of like Jim Spanfeller.
“I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing it, Bob.”
Deadspin has been a part of my life for 13 years,which is longer than any of my 3 kids have been alive.
Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness was here.
Oh, Jim Spanfeller, eat shit!
To the entire staff and all most of the alumni since its inception — thanks, good luck, and I selfishly hope that somehow, someway, many of you can work together again very soon so that I can read one or two websites instead of 30.
Deadspin forever! Eat shit, Jimmy Spanfeller.
I had a master plan for today, but it did not go quite as planned. That’s OK. That’s what blogging is about. You…
These adorable bears are learning to eat food, and are doing great at it. Hopefully this teaching moment encourages Jim Spanfeller to learn to eat shit.
You’re forever with me, leather.
Deadspin helped me through some very rough times over the years. I’ve loved it for a long time, writers and commetariate alike, and I learned a lot from all of you. I’ll miss you. Also, thanks for making DUAN what it was, luv4allmusic!!! Deadspin forever.
I will miss this site immeasurably. Deadspin Forever.
Bears like eating plants.