Rusty Patti

A question. Doesn’t the code talks about political PARTISAN activities? BLM is not a partisan political activity. It’s social activism but not partisan political activity.

The fact that you’re a former soldier and don’t see the difference between this and someone giving a nazi salute frightens the hell out of me.

You equating BLM with Nazism says all there is to know about you.

For anyone interested, here’s a really great interview with Rebecca Kukla that explores a lot of the moral or political ramifications of the kind of informal policing of pregnant women’s actions this is meant to address.

I read an article criticizing her and one of the points was that her fashion choices were “inspired by Communist dictators.”

Oh, yeah, clearly the advice is for Clinton to somehow *not* be the person best qualified for the job because it makes some mens and their orange leader feel inadequate.

That's right. Keep your mouth shut and smile. Because women haven't been given that damaging advice for our entire lives. Also, somehow she is supposed to do this while appearing as a strong leader.

“she should meet his insults with a cheery silence”

internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug

Goodbye. I have perished from the stupidity of this article. I’ve loved you all.

Because clicks!!!

How is this either a “major upset” or at all “unexpected”? Clinton didn’t contest Indiana, didn’t spend a cent on ads or any time there while Bernie was pouring in millions, even in the past few days her surrogates clearly said they didn’t really expect to win it, polls or no.

If anything I think Bernie needs to get out now. Now trump can put all his focus on Hillary. Hillary can’t just focus on Trump because of Bernie. Bernie wants a contested convention, which is crazy, he has no chance of getting enough super delegates on his side.

Hey, the Citizens United guy is writing a book about how the Clintons murdered JFK Jr. I know you’ll want to pre-order it.

Republicans once investigated the Clinton Christmas card list and hauled 34 PEOPLE in to testify. What did they find? Nothing.

I voted for Bernie in the primary but I kicked $10 to Hillary for the woman card crack. After seeing this little graphic, I think I’ll go and give another $20.

Why bother with facts when you can post an unsubstantiated internet meme?

Hillary Clinton gave classified information to Glenn Greenwald? What a scoop! You should email!

This was an awesome comment then and it is now. Trump’s “hair club for men” card has nothing on her.

- Mother of Dragons