Rusty Patti

Do you guys know about the West Wing Weekly podcast? Josh Malina hosts it with a friend of his who is a huge WW fan. It just started a few weeks ago, they’re up to Epi 6 Mr Willis of Ohio. Janelle Moloney is the guest. Dule Hill has been on one of them too. It’s really fun to reminisce.

I feel like that’s all of CJ. People say she’s Sorkin’s one great female character. But I’m 100% convinced it’s just Allison Janney being awesome, he realized it and didn’t get in the way.

Now playing

All these years later and this still always gives me goose bumps. The entire staff was wish fulfillment but C.J. was the best!


That’s a full lid, people.

Unfortunately, this is not all that crazy. Trump and Sanders are both populists who appeal to a broad swath of people who have a sense (not incorrectly) that there’s something deeply wrong with the way our government functions. One of them happens to be a dangerous maniac feeding off of xenophobia and racial fear, but

I was going to scoff at this until I remembered the number of 18-30 year old “Bernie or Bust!” dudebros on Facebook who don’t have to worry about access to women’s healthcare or race relations and now I’m kind of nervous.

You’re just bitter because the teacher never let you operate the filmstrip projector.

I'm not old. You're old.

this comment is so beautiful.

That's right, Donald. Hillary is the one who is extraordinarily unpopular with women.

She's the most qualified candidate. Period.

The woman card gets us a ‘free’ drink we never asked for, but cordially accept for fear of repercussions and then get called a bitch slut for not leaving with the buyer.

True but it does warm my icy cold liberal heart that in history Obama will go down as a great president. Reasonable people see this.

You. Are. Awesome.

It’s more like “If Hillary were a man with those same qualifications, she’d be predicted to win by a landslide.” The “woman card” has only gotten her sexist bullshit over the years and made it that much more difficult to achieve what she’s achieved. The only advantage the “woman card” gets any of us is the occasional

other cards Hillary has or had:

I think it’s a preview of the next eight years. If Clinton wins, there’s going to be a staggering amount of sexism directed towards her. Just like all of the racism that’s been directed towards Obama.

Run for office. There is literally no way you actually misunderstood that one.