Rusty Patti

Look, the season 2/3 showrunner has to do SOMETHING with himself after completely immolating Sleepy Hollow, okay?

Alright, ‘fess up: who brought the racist POS troll out of the grays?

Were you there ? Cuz here is feedback from someone who was and there were a lot more like this

Awesome gas-lighting.

She’s talking about the fact that you’re downplaying the female presidential candidate being called a whore. And how that’s pretty awful. Worse, you’re actually trying to support the idea that people who don’t like this are “overreacting.” You know. Emotional women and their emotional overreacting.

Oh okay see, I was actually really annoyed by his comment but can tell from your tone that I’m being an over-sensitive harpy bitch who is mos def. not cool like our Lord and Savior Bernie Sanders.

No, the context of the planned parenthood thing was that they endorsed her and he was pissed and he wrote them off as part of the establishment. That’s the entire context. He’s been beating that establishment drum about everything, but that was completely egregious when planned parenthood is currently under relentless

He only had to vote against the Brady Act to be forever their friend. He’s said he voted against it because he voted for his district (fair) and because he thought there was too much Federal over reach. That. I call bullshit on. He has no problem, from what he says, with going full throttle with the Federal Govt.

Yeah, I don’t understand that either. Is shooting hoops by yourself depressing? Is playing guitar without a band depressing? Is cooking a nice meal for yourself depressing? Nope, nuh-uh, and not at all.

Forbidden Island is a good one as well. It’s technically a co-op game, but usually one person (and it’s often the Messenger) tells everyone else in the game what to do. So it’s easy enough to play it by yourself, and just tell yourself what to do. You’re playing against the island, which sinks based on where the

You know how they have those quizzes, “Which Character Are You?” Bernie Sanders is Thatcher Grey.

Why can’t we have both wage equality and a living wage? Lilly Ledbetter herself worked in a Goodyear tire factory, it’s not like she was a partner in a white shoe law firm. I feel like we could try for both.

I honestly don’t see the point of the show without her, she was such a life-force in it. The thought of the show turning into the Wacky Adventures of Betsy Ross and Ichabod Cane in the 21st Century makes me cringe.

First, he didn’t trounce her. Second, to win an election politicians try to convince people to vote for them, in the context of a presidential election your “quotes,” to me are reasonable. Can you share your source on Clinton calling Obama a socialist? Third, I think Clinton has done a remarkable job of not calling

Not being snarky but I find it fascinating how different people can read things differently. I read it as exactly the opposite - taking the stereotype and flipping it on its head and making themselves (and politicians) the butt of the joke. De Blasio is always late but he was also late to endorse Hillary, and it’s

De Blasio is NOTORIOUS for always being late. That’s the joke here, and also that he made CP mean something other than coloured people. They’re poking fun at themselves, people. Or trying to anyway.

Oh good gawd, that transcript is a nightmare. No wonder they are running a story about a political ad. He admits he agrees with Trump on trade, and basically has his same “mysterious” plan to fix it. He is literally making shit up as he goes along. All he has are his buzzwords, freebies and wall street evil, but no

Look, ads are fine, but why has there been no scrutiny on Sanders’ actual plans? This interview was the hardest hitting one I’ve seen and frankly it’s pretty damning:…

What a weird comment.

If your defining moment of racial justice activism happened over 50 years ago, you need to do better.