Was looking to see if anyone had brought this up!
Was looking to see if anyone had brought this up!
Also Franken talks pretty adorably about Frannie.
Grover Norquist, failed comedian/running joke.
John McCain?! Do you not know who he is? Did you forget this coming up in 2008?
This is a difficult exercise, even after subtracting out all of the closeted, self-hating gay men.
Did he really say that, or is this a joke? At this point I can’t tell anymore.
Yes, the “really mean ads” that use his own quotes. It’s so delicious.
I’m 100% sure Kellyanne Conway did her level best to drill into his head how devastating the misogyny is (those ads are killing him), but it just didn’t register. He doesn’t seem to understand that it’s a problem for women, who are more than half of voters, as well as thinking men, or those with daughters and…
Even those fuckers at Fox are starting to realize the kind of monster they’ve created. We are truly living through some interesting times, folks.
I love how their faces kind of collectively freeze as he starts to talk about Ms. Universe having “gained a lot of weight.” Like they’re all thinking “Shut up shut up SHUT UP WHAT ARE YOU DOING.”
Oh, good. Proud Know-Nothing inserts himself and his bland platitudes into the most complex diplomatic situation in the world. This will surely end well.
Weird how these fuckers can ‘brandish’ weapons CLEARLY in an antagonistic stance against the freaking NAACP with cops present, but a guy sitting in his car who is not a suspect in any way somehow needs to die because he’s such a threat??? http://www.chron.com/houston/article/White-Lives-Matter-group-protests-outside-NA…
Plus let’s say he had a gun. It’s an open carry state, he was not a suspect of theirs, and he was sitting in his own vehicle minding his own business. No matter how you spin it the cops are completely unjustified in fucking with Keith AT ALL.
And you’d have killed a person who didn’t have a gun and wasn’t an actual threat to you.
I’m not opposed to letting 3rd parties in the debate, but in this election I’m glad they won’t be there. The country needs to watch Trump flailing around as he fails to carry half the debate. In the GOP debates, he was able to mask the fact that he ultimately had little to say because there were so many other…
you say potatoe
Johnson is not just a wacky uncle. He has legitimately stupid and dangerou ideas, like allowing states full control over reproductive rights.
Gary Johnson has both!