Those inland hillbillies reside in the IE - Inbred Empire.
Those inland hillbillies reside in the IE - Inbred Empire.
A certain group of “youngsters” did exactly that and worse during the primaries.
It was a nod to the suffragettes. Geraldine Ferraro did the same thing in ‘84.
He ran as a Democrat for the money, exposure, party infrastructure, and the money. He’s already admitted that.
She had to wear one in 2008, too.
Love this idea. In our house its called RTO - Return to Order. It helps develop good habits - they’ll learn to keep doing it even without being ordered.
Ultra conservative AND absolutely uninterested in governing. They are incapable of compromising.
The ReThuglican Party has no shame. Or sense.
The slickness of #Fiborina is terrifying. I saw her answering very tough questions on HP months ago and was stunned by her skill at spinning.
I would ask her how sick she is of made up controversies and the media hacks that perpetuate them.
Many were actually gerrymandered in.
Carly Fiborina has no shame.
Cops need to carry the equivalent of malpractice insurance. Wearing body cams gets a reduced rated.
I just moved to Birmingham from California for family reasons and I’m afraid this is the first of many kicks to my gut.
Even if the only advice I take is to lose the “actually” my friends and family will be happy.
War Eagle!
Does Stepford offer robotics?
Everyone fill in the “no, you’re a racist” spot on your BINGO card.