
These Beetlejuice Beetlejuice tie-ins are getting ridiculous.

Just wait until Temu starts clogging the local mailboxes with unsold EV’s. 

There was no Sigourney Weaver,  only Zuul.

I hope they don’t try to recover the plane from that depth. Better to leave it in place than to accidentally destroy a fragile artifact. It can be studied from the bottom of the ocean with how good our ROVs have become.

Insurance companies are in business to make a profit. Their rates are bases on averages and large numbers..the experience base. Just look around at the cars you’re in traffic with. That new Denali to your left is - what? - $70,000? Suppose through your fault it’s totaled. They’re on the hook for that which is why the

Maybe it’s just me, but I’d take the opinion of a guy who owns a car over the opinion of a guy who doesn’t.

I’m originally from a small town in Kansas and don’t remember encountering Hawaiian pizza until the early 90's while I was in college. Keep in mind that small town America, especially during the time period of Stranger Things, wasn’t as connected to the cultural happenings of the larger cities.  I don’t think it’s

No the Democrats don’t control the Senate thanks to two DINO’s who would rather watch the country burn if they can stand on the top of the ash heap.

It’s very weird to see Jezebel rewrite it’s attitude to the 2016 elections. Most of the writers have left now, but this site was decidedly anti Hillary Clinton.

One might say they’ve been ... Shanghaied

1st gear - surely this is also caused by the fact that cars are just better now? As much as some people like to complain and disagree, think about your average car from the mid-90's compared to your average car from the mid-2000's (the cars that are pushing this average up). It’s night and day. And never cars still

And if you do have to buy, it likely makes more financial sense to buy used

Reverse: the cost of new EV’s. It seems like all the halfway decent ones cost $45K minimum. 

Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.

Totally agree.  I saw a lady I shit you not wearing a full face actual GAS MASK while driving. I was like WTF is wrong with this person.  It’s kind of the same with the hard core anti mask crowd that go batshit when asked to put one on.  Like I get it I really do, masks are annoying, but it’s really a MINOR annoyance

He drives a *’69* Charger.

Hate to break it to ya about ol’ Henry...

Six and a half months and counting on my preorder hybrid Maverick. We’ll see how long it ultimately takes. The Bronco Sport is a decent alternative, but no hybrid engine makes it a non-starter in this case.

Freedom of association is important. Dude continually drops the N-word? Well, that’s not someone I really want my streaming company to have a $100m contract with. So I cancelled it. Let others make their choice to hire whatever racist losers they want, just as we can fire whatever racist losers we want, since “does rac

Please consider getting better information. Just in my immediate circle, the combination of vaccine and booster have probably saved about 20 people I know from falling severely ill or death.