
Wait, Beetlejuice?

I’m pretty sure the video is a seizure waiting to happen...

This is almost a full on tribute to Mike Judge, creator of both KOTH and B&B

Or this example of an accident involving a Rivian that the insurance company thought would cost $6,000 that ended up costing $42,000, which is more than the property damage coverage many people have on their policy...

So Soros hates humanity and Musk wants to run away to Mars to get away from humanity because... he loves humanity so much? 

Phineas and Ferb would like a word...

You would think the oil companies would attempt to keep prices down to give credence to the argument that gas/oil should remain viable as long term solutions in the face of the EV revolution instead of just going for a short term profit. I know they have a built in bogeyman in inflation, but this truly reeks of short

Probably about 42...

If my memory is correct, didn’t Jalopnik declare the carpocolypse in 2009? Companies were trying to go out of business, and no one bought in 2009 if they could afford to wait because the cars coming up were supposed to be so much better. They even promised how much better the newer cars would be.

At least you chose the right book...

I can understand Nicholson getting a two iron. Apparently, if you are caught in a lightening storm on the golf course you hold your 1 iron over your head because even God can’t hit a 1 iron...

I called my local dealer last week to ask when my hybrid would start production. They offered to shift it over to an Ecoboost so it could start production quicker, but I chose the hybrid because of instead of despite of, so I told him I could wait. Still, other than offering me a free FITS system, they haven’t offered

This argument is that close to saying Fox didn’t have the right to cancel Firefly... A media service has the right to cancel a show if it doesn’t uphold the standards of the company.

You know, I kind of miss the days where your PSA’s about recalls recognized the concerns for fiery deaths...

I just have to give the star for Simon Bar Sinister. There’s no need to fear?

So clearly the solution is to ignore it... And ignore that human trafficking is a problem if it allows us to sue. I’m sorry, but I’m kinda okay with this. I’d rather see them being safe rather than sorry later, and if Mom is that ready to hire an attorney because an airlines follows guidelines when Mom admits they

Funny, when my brother had a Golf it smelled like diesel...

Cue Blues Brothers cop car response... I wonder if they’ll take a microphone?

Gotta give a star for the two toppings at a pizza party comment...