
Probably just bored and wanting to have some fun.

“[Nate Moore] produced Black Panther. But then when you do Black Panther, you have a Black director, Black producer, a Black costume designer, a Black stunt choreographer,” Mackie said. “And I’m like, that’s more racist than anything else. Because if you only can hire the Black people for the Black movie, are you

OK, and what popular black characters with a good abundance of stories can Marvel pull out of their portfolio?

I have changed a TON since I was in college.  I am embarrassed how conservative I was.  Now I am super progressive and have a lot of empathy for other people.  People can change.  Even if it takes something that personally affects them.

Another fair assessment of Kimmel and his change.

Now, let’s imagine if we hadn’t removed civics from our classrooms, had comprehensive sex education in every state, and included human rights in those civics classes.

Would we be still be producing as many Man Show frat boys?

Edit: I really need to stop multitasking

Sorry, can’t take a comment about doing “more research” seriously when you clearly did not read my entire piece, lol!

I mean, I’m old enough to remember when Apple stopped putting their own custom compute chips in their PCs and switched to Intel because their in-house stuff was making their PCs more expensive and only faster with some limited applications, like the Adobe suite. Now, that was a long time ago, so who knows? Maybe

I was thinking the same thing — a mask-required policy in effect, isn’t exactly moving my personal needle towards heading to the cineplex anytime soon.

This shit again? Look genius, everybody is happy you have Phd in Youtube conspiracy. But the masks DO in fact inhibit the spread of this virus. You (and ideally everyone) wear one not so YOU don’t get sick, but to prevent spreading it to others if you are asyptomatic. It isn’t a respirator, it limits the amount of

Even with a mask, going to a movie theater during this pandemic seems counterproductive. It’s like saying you should wear shoes if you want to walk through a landmine. 

I was happy to be among the chorus yesterday afternoon. I rely on AMC where I live, and their desire to not get political by NOT requiring masks was the most Trumpy political thing they could have done. It sucks they had to be shamed into making a no brainer of a decision. 

Face masks are not political.

I thought Christmas only came once a year.

Pictured: AMC’s scientific advisor.

God she is so FUCKING hot.

Generic Froot Loops, but yeah, this hits home. 

God she is so FUCKING hot.

I’m nervous about DragonCon. Georgia was one of the first states to reopen and in spite of that has not experienced a major spike of new cases like other states. Apparently the governor recently gave the okay for conventions (in general) to open up. But “con crud” is common during years when there isn’t a pandemic.

I would never have guessed in a million years that, in terms of the culture wars, liberals would get Nascar and conservatives Harry Potter.

2020, man.

Wow. You can practically hear when you are reading it that it fucking KILLS this website to write anything positive about Swift.