
The speed limit signs in the chemical complex I used to work at did something similar — 6 mph, 13 mph, etc. Supposedly the idea was that the non-standard numbers would be more eye-catching and reinforce to the driver to maintain a slow, safe speed.

Yeah, I can’t see any scenario with the words Kia and 80k in it: like you said, if I’ve got that kind of money, there’s other options — me, I’m buying a used minivan and a Corvette (or other impractical car).

Super weird scene — “hi, I just met you a few hours ago and found out aliens and time travel exist, but let’s argue about your weird obsessions!

I did a rewatch of the four TNG movies and one thing I noticed was fairly consistent

Now playing

My vote for Eddie Murphy’s finest moment

Spies Like Us taught teenage RustyB an important lesson: sometimes they put all of the best jokes in the trailer just to tempt you into going and seeing the movie.

Yeah, I mean I’m still going to watch it and all (gotta feel like I’m using that HBO sub wisely!), but these trailers are having the exact opposite effect of hyping me up for it.

I’m sure this is a proactive move, anticipating their eventual merger with Meyerhof Lifters.

Same here, I remember her more from Lost. She was one of my favorites of the show.

My first guess was, ten years agoI’m guessing Maxim, or maybe Playboy. I have no idea what the going rate for an Indy Lights sponsorship is, but I doubt Penthouse had two nickels to rub together in 2010. (Or even Playboy, for that matter.)

LOL I thought I was imagining that... “Rolo Tomasi?!? That can’t be right”

But the reboot isn’t just a bundle of references (which is good; we can’t imagine too many Gen Z’ers are as versed in the bygone series as us ancient millennials).

I mean, let’s cut to it: Ms Theron looks the same (better?!) now as she did 23 years ago in The Devil’s Advocate. Go on, look, I’ll wait.

Agree. Disclaimer: no kids either, but I was once a kid.

At the risk of showing my age, these are pretty much the Sgt Pepper’s / Pet Sounds of cheesy racing movies (debate which is which at your leisure).

You know, Friday the 13th / Halloween / The Omen etc. didn’t scare me as a kid.

Not defending the D&D boys at all, there’s a lot of honest critiques which can be thrown their way.

I know it’s shot and edited that way for (pause)... dramatic effect, but it’s really irritating when a renovator discovers an “oopsie” that should / would have been caught by any decent pre-close inspection:

Take your star, swimming in movie theater “butter”.