The speed limit signs in the chemical complex I used to work at did something similar — 6 mph, 13 mph, etc. Supposedly the idea was that the non-standard numbers would be more eye-catching and reinforce to the driver to maintain a slow, safe speed.
The speed limit signs in the chemical complex I used to work at did something similar — 6 mph, 13 mph, etc. Supposedly the idea was that the non-standard numbers would be more eye-catching and reinforce to the driver to maintain a slow, safe speed.
Yeah, I can’t see any scenario with the words Kia and 80k in it: like you said, if I’ve got that kind of money, there’s other options — me, I’m buying a used minivan and a Corvette (or other impractical car).
My vote for Eddie Murphy’s finest moment
Spies Like Us taught teenage RustyB an important lesson: sometimes they put all of the best jokes in the trailer just to tempt you into going and seeing the movie.
Obvious, but obligatory
I’m sure this is a proactive move, anticipating their eventual merger with Meyerhof Lifters.
My first guess was, ten years ago — I’m guessing Maxim, or maybe Playboy. I have no idea what the going rate for an Indy Lights sponsorship is, but I doubt Penthouse had two nickels to rub together in 2010. (Or even Playboy, for that matter.)
LOL I thought I was imagining that... “Rolo Tomasi?!? That can’t be right”
But the reboot isn’t just a bundle of references (which is good; we can’t imagine too many Gen Z’ers are as versed in the bygone series as us ancient millennials).
Agree. Disclaimer: no kids either, but I was once a kid.
At the risk of showing my age, these are pretty much the Sgt Pepper’s / Pet Sounds of cheesy racing movies (debate which is which at your leisure).
You know, Friday the 13th / Halloween / The Omen etc. didn’t scare me as a kid.
I know it’s shot and edited that way for (pause)... dramatic effect, but it’s really irritating when a renovator discovers an “oopsie” that should / would have been caught by any decent pre-close inspection:
Take your star, swimming in movie theater “butter”.
You know, it’s a great soundtrack, but I never got around to buying it. I had already listened to Freebird way too many times in my life (studio or live — “play it pretty for ATLANTA”).
Fellow member of the 76" club checking in. Yep, it sucks to get caught behind me at a concert, but it all evens out when we board that plane.
Same, except I use sugar.
Yep, my 30th would have been in 2018 but the area was still recovering from various hurricanes so no go, thank goodness. (Hate to root for a hurricane, but here we are.)
Not defending Ex at all, I would have at least made an effort to introduce you, but as a guy I probably would have lost enthusiasm after about six to eight of these, and hoped that some sort of osmosis - or “herd immunity” - like effect would have taken over.