
This hurts to read, I was classified into remission for the 2nd time of my life just a week ago. Reading someone who lost their war with it hurts, my 2nd battle with it was .. close.. to put mildly. Statistically I know it’ll probably win the war against me eventually.. but I’m kinda hoping I get taken out by anything

This guy looks like a fuckin psycho; he reminds me of the guys that would get transferred to my platoon and when I asked them why they joined the army in our initial interview, they’d say, “to shoot people.” Cool, cool, guess who’s guarding the weather balloon for the rest of the deployment instead of going on

I don’t remember that he blamed her but he definitely didn’t stand up for her. He skated away consequence-free, whereas she was blamed for the whole thing. He should’ve spoken up for her.

Les Moonves really ought to have done more thinkin’ and less moonves.

I guess it was a big deal in some circles? I remember it being a thing that people talked about for a couple days, and then disappearing to whatever the next ‘scandal’ was.

9/11 was the 9/11 of the culture wars.

This is doubly weird for me, since I’ve always referred to 9/11 as the wardrobe malfunction of America’s foreign policy.

Drive a 2000s Mitsubishi Mirage?

Agreed. “Shackets” are a sad fashion attempt at quilted flannel work shirts. The real thing is better. And also probably less expensive.

Great Job Internet has been around since ... forever. You’re like a person using a library for the 5th time and flipping table after finding the microfiche booths. “Remember when this place was all about books?! WTF IS THIS?!”

Amusingly, one of the gated communities near me has an *18mph* speed limit. Evidently 15mph was too slow, and 20mph just too damned fast.

Those old magnetic speedometers aren’t linear at all near 0. So the graduations are adjusted to make the readings more accurate.

Not unsurprised at the number of people replying on here “Durhur I never watched it look how smart I was not to watch such a bad show!”.

That’s the first KO Gina Carano has delivered in a LONG time lol

Yeah, I can’t see any scenario with the words Kia and 80k in it: like you said, if I’ve got that kind of money, there’s other options — me, I’m buying a used minivan and a Corvette (or other impractical car).

Gunn also said in his Instagram stories this week that he’s down with Guardians after Vol 3 because his story will be concluded. There’s plenty of room for Marvel to continue on with a different director and a partially or different team.

The Telluride is a very nice car and top of its class - for a $40K vehicle.

KIA worked so hard to shake off their cheap and shitty car image just have it all ruined by shitty dealers. 

As much as I love that movie, I was super surprised she wasn’t the one who confronted Picard about his vendetta! I know that had to give Lily a reason to be on the ship, but it would have made a lot more sense.

Her “I wish for peace between my country and our neighbors” statement is pretty basic and the disproportionate response to it is more about attacking her as a proxy for the Israeli government due to her visibility. Holding a person accountable in this way for the actions of others due to their sharing the same