Rust and Dust - Oppositelock Forever


People may get horny over anything, but there’s no reason to shame or punish these girls because others can’t control their hormones.

You may already know, but he also puts out a weekly podcast titled “Pod save the People” that’s a really good listen (he lands some great guests, and I like the show’s format).

Now I’m confused.

You’re. You’re retarded. Not your.

“Oops, I’m sorry! Careless me! I stood on your oxygen line until you turned blue! What’s that? You want me to move my foot? Call me “darkie” one more god damned time and I tie this hose in a knot.”

Trained professionals, to protect and serve, ladies and gentlemen. Jesus. I’ve carried a pen in my pocket right next to a knife for 20 years. Never in my life have I handed my knife to someone who asked to borrow my pen...

Legitimate LOL. +1


“The offensive line sucks. Period. That’s my stat!”

O. Ottomanelli & Sons Meat Market

“My kid got a book deal?”

There’s a couple that come to mind...


The current White House communications office or Fox News should cover you in lieu of Facebook.

Quite frankly, Kaepernick’s protests were the most patriotic thing I’ve seen at a football game in awhile, and I sincerely mean that.

You may have already seen this, but I spotted it flying under Sports Illustrated’s masthead last night, and while it’s not a perfect article, it brings some valid points:

What in God’s name was happening in the seat in front of you for that right foot (and associated filthy sock) and leg to even be facing that direction?

If that’s the case (which it ain’t), you’re still flying the flag of a (failed) government that would still tell you what to do and think.

“This little piggy is about to get broken if you don’t get your goddamned feet away from my arm.”