Rust and Dust - Oppositelock Forever

Aren’t non-Saudi national women still expected to wear an abaya when visiting Saudi Arabia, even when abayas aren’t part of the guests culture in their region of the world?

I don’t usually play matchmaker, but these two half-wits are made for eachother:

Revisionist history! Fake news! Anonymously leaked! Covfefe!

Other than the fact that the North Koreans have been brainwashed for decades to view the Kim family as gods.

Shit, I thought it was tug-boat powered. It’s really more of a barge than an aircraft carrier, no?

Want a bit of nightmare fuel?

It’s in the second paragraph, you only had to scroll by one photo to get there...

Came here to post this.

It won’t at all.

Parts availability/distribution issues and lack of readily available OEM repair procedures/authorized facilities.

Shit, there goes my retirement.  Back to the drawing board...

Not terribly high quality, but here’s a cab/chassis image:

It appears that you’ve started producing pancake breakfast cereal.

Vacuum it? I wouldn’t ride in it for $50.

David, I love your articles/videos/enthusiasm, but if you’d gone into the medical field as opposed to automotive, you’d be the doctor performing CPR on a stiff cold corpse the other doctors had to drag away to call time of death.


Nope, they’re actually still sealed beams in 2017:

Seems this is the team President Wilson was looking for:

“Trail Rated” badge changed to “Hemi Crated” is great.