I loved his reaction. Tormund is so amazing.
I loved his reaction. Tormund is so amazing.
I’d pay to see Grande before I paid to see Beyonce. Hell, I’d pay to see Grande before I would see Beyonce for free.
This is quite literally the stupidest thing I’ve read so far today. It’s even worse than the recap of GoT over on io9.
Honestly, fuck nick bosa. Piece of shit. If he gets drafted I hope he gets his knee and ACL blown out in the first game and ends his career.
Exactly what I was thinking. I hate to be that guy, but it’s going to be just like any other time they come together for “peace talks”. Things are better, until they’re not and it goes back to the same deaths and fights as before.
You do realize that those points are actually some arguments that those are are anti-trans actually make, right? Maybe come correct next time you decide to try coming.
The idea that a person will “become” a trans person for the reason of attending college on scholarship, or to advance in sports, or any reason OTHER than because they truly are a trans person is so ridiculously insane that I can’t even begin to understand how someone would have that mentality.
This. Agreed. Ledger is definitely at the top. Leto is at the bottom.
Oh whatever. It was still an April Fool’s thing. I call BS on the “gaff”.
Now, I’m not a baseball fan, at all, and don’t go to the games so forgive me for the maybe dumb question...but why in the hell is there not some sort of protective fence or something right there? That shit could seriously do damage.
Okay, while I don’t disagree with some of what you said, I don’t think playing the race card works here. You come off as ignorant.
Tom, the grammatical errors and whatnot in this article are killing me. Proofread, please!
So, are all teams now doing the Vikings (but, actually Icelandic) SKOL clap thing?
People honestly complained about a word being bleeped out? I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised, but seriously? I feel so sorry for the children of the parents that are THAT upset that they file a complaint about swearing to the FCC.
Isn’t Lizzo actually a Minneapolis local, not Detroit as noted in the article?
Whoa. Don’t disparage The Punisher by associating it with this shitbag. That show is great. This guy is not.
If it’s a two white guy campaign it is not guaranteed Trump. If it’s a Trump and a POC or woman, it will 100% go to Trump. Sad fact.
Oh get the fuck out of here with your whole, “He’s old, don’t run” shit. Seriously. Look at who honestly has the MOST legit chance of getting Trump out of office. It won’t be a woman, because the country won’t vote one in yet, sadly. It most likely won’t be another POC yet, because the country won’t vote one in.
Are you saying that you actually enjoyed Iron Man 3? It was far from the worst in the series, but holy hell was that movie pretty lame.
Magary is BACK. And also very correct. Barstool is a shit stain on society. Actually, no. I’d keep a shit stain around happily tacked to my wall longer than I’d keep Barstool. Fuck them.